Janissary need attack bonus

AgeArena and MikeEmpire videos don’t mean anything for real games


janis should have same bonus attack as hand cannoneers. its weird that its not the case.

Their base attack is higher so they don’t really need it.

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They had it at 1999 but they lost it.

Some people want to make all civs become top or “S” tier civs.

Instead of buffing half the civs of the game, the best aproach for game balance is just nerf S tier civs slowly imo.



Strange how they took so long to finally bring the knife down on Franks but eh

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None here wants all civs S tier
But all should be playable in most settings, and nerfing S tier civs already happened with Mayans, Aztecs and Khmer nerfs.

Chinese also need to be nerfed but is harder.

Trust me in right microing hands they can beat knights 20v20 hit and run.
When it comes to Elite ones 22 attack is allready like bonus for everything 11 xD But they need +10 hp or something like that or at least Elite Upgrade cost need to be reduced.60 Elite Jans in correct position can kill most units but Longbows.I tested them against 60 skirms with little micro they kill skirms.Against Infantry they are really effective no need to test.Against 45 paladin still they got the edge with little micro.Tested against 60 generic FU arblst with little micro they won with 37 remaining units.Adding another bonus would make this unit OP.Just elite upgrade cost is insane and must be reduced.and maybe +10 hp or something.