Japan vs Abbasid in 4v4

What would you make as Japan in this matchup, against camel archer?
I tried castle age mounted samurai + samurai, which was terrible.
I tried feudal all in horsemen, harrass villager and they outrun CA, but their eco is too strong. Keep raiding their eco hurts myself even more.

Is yumi viable here?
In general, how do you deal with CA in team games?

I don’t know Japanese so I don’t know the answer. But I know Camel Archers are expensive and slow to produce, so whatever you make to fight them you should have a larger mass.

Another thing is Camel Archers are fast in movement speed with the Camel Handling upgrade, I think only horseman can catch up.

CA has bonus damage to Light Melee Infantry only (i.e. spearman) So in general horseman and archers can fight them and have a good trade.

For defending your farm, make walls and it will take a long time for them to break. With enough walls you can try to trap and kill them.