Japanese - Fire Arrows/Rockets/Gunpowder

Japanese should get their bombard replaced with a rocket/fire arrow cannon. A bit strange we have the Atakabune use the fire arrows as well as the TCs and the Castles, but we still have standard bombards. Doesn’t even have to be radically different than the bombard. Maybe instead of bonus vs buildings it sets them on fire and have slightly better base damage.
Another note, the Japanese have handcannoneers, but shouldn’t they be armed with arquebuses? The first firearms they got were from the Portuguese after all. We can call them Ashigaru Gunners and be armed with arquebuses just like the Musofadi/Streltsy/Janissary.

Every civilisation should have arquebus instead of hand cannons.
Hand cannons were never widely used and s lot of civilisations never used them at all.
Arquebus on the other hand got very widespread usage at the end of the Middle Ages.

I’m pretty sure the reason is simply that they didn’t want a gunpowder weapon that feels to modern because that would trigger people that want a “classical Medieval setting” without gunpowder despite that being historically wrong.

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