Knights Templar
“Everything we know so far”
1).- Mechanics
Allied Civilizations
Official Information.- So far, there’s no official confirmation of which ones they are. However, based on the teaser images, we can infer what they might be.
After watching them for a long enough time, I confirmed that many of the unique unit weapons are in the Town Center, such as eyecandy. Additionally, three flags have been revealed in images of the Keep and Town Centers. Some weapons are covered, I don’t know if intentionally, so as not to reveal the remaining ones, but there are two interesting shields: a red one with black or dark bands, and a circular one with a metallic center; as well as a dark-colored shield with a cross.
Feudal Age:
1. Principality of Antioch:
- Unique Unit: Sergeant / Miles (Improvised Name)
- Bonus: Melee units gain +10% damage.
- The principality was formed by Norman settlers from Sicily, so I understand why its unit resembles the AoE2 unique unit for the Normans.
2. Kingdom of France:
- Unique Unit: “Templar Cavalry” (Unknown Name)
- Bonus: Military Unit are produced 15% faster and cost 5% less.
- This knight is different from the common knights of civilization, which have more shades of red and white, not black.
3.- Knight’s Hospitaller
- Unique Unit: “Hospitaller Knight**” (Infantry)
- Bonus: All healing sources, whether buildings or units, heal 30% faster. Civilian units have 30% more HP (Villagers 50 HP → 65 HP)
Initial theory (summary)
3.- Unknown One:
- Unique Unit: ???
- It’s unknown which one it could be, but I theorize it could be Venice or the Hospitaller Order. The historical coat of arms of both civilizations appears on a banner in the town center. I theorize based on that alone that it could be one of those two. However, among the coat of arms of the town center, there are three shields that have not yet been used; they may belong to these units, if they have shields.
Castle Age:
4.- Castile (Kingdom of Spain)
- Unique Unit: “Jinete”
It has almost all the characteristics of the “Jinete,” from carrying the javelin on the shoulder, the Adarga, and being light cavalry. The only flaw would be that it doesn’t bend its legs enough to show what “Montando a la Jineta” (Jineta Riding) is.
5.- Genoa
- Unique Unit: Genoese Crossbowman
Great, I love Genoa, and finally we’ll be able to use some of them. Regarding the unit, it’s a Genoese crossbowman, as you can tell by the huge amount of mail armor he wears and the pavé, which was something that characterized them.
6.- English
- Unique unit: Pikeman?
Apparently he carries a pike, and well, it’s different from the Bill that spearmen carry in the Imperial Age. Although the English weren’t much into carrying pikes. Could he be an English ally in Flanders? From some historical fact? I have no idea what the shield on the back is for, only time will tell.
Imperial Age:
7. Poland
- Unique Unit: Pancerni, Armored Companion, Polish Hussar? (Names of Polish cavalry troops)
They carry a nadziak, a traditional Polish weapon. It was a type of cavalry weapon. After that, there’s no further information. But yes, it is a cavalry weapon. Don’t confuse it with the other weapon in AoE2, which was a ceremonial weapon for nobles; this one was made for combat.
8. Teutonic Order
- Unique Unit: Teutonic Grandmaster?
At least use the corresponding unit model in the campaign. I assume it’s a master because you can also see they influence all nearby units with a yellow aura.
9. Venetian
- Unique Unit: Unique swordman
They carry a two hands sword. Who knows which unit represent. ¿Condotta men-at-arm? ¿Nobility swordman? ¿Bravi?
The only thing we knows is that they are venetians.
Initial theory (summary)
9.- Unknown Two
- Unique Unit: ???
Same as example 3, it’s the 2nd civilization about which nothing is known. I theorize it’s Venice, because its flag with the lion is too flashy, but it could be something else, and I’d be misleading; there are no unique unit clues.
Fortress (Unique Keep)
Unique Keep. Unknown stats. It is theorized to evolve between ages. In one of the teaser images, it has a mounted rock thrower.
2).- Unit Roster
- Spearman
- Men-at-arm
- Horseman
- Knight
- Archers
- Crossbowman
- Villager
Note: It is unknown which of these count as unique units or if they are all common roster units with basic stats.
- Religious units
- Siege
- Traders
- Ships
3).- Technologies
Trebuchet Double Shot (Theoric name).- Their trebushets, even marine or in keeps, gain a double shot for each attack.
Desert Citadels (Keep).-
Treasure Towers (Keep).-
Iron Clamps (Keep).-
Trebuchet emplacement (Keep).- Unique Emplacement, with a good range.
4) Additional Information
Places where the Templars established bases:
5) More Ideas
This is a fandom attempt to theorize what the “Knights Templar” civ might look like before all the official information and the DLC are revealed.
Any other information will be updated as official information becomes available, although as a human, I can make mistakes. Any corrections will be appreciated, any other theory also be welcome.
Take care.