There’s a difference between knowing build orders and knowing nothing but build orders /thread
It’s not about being morally superior (in a game? ), it’s just about not being too much “devoted” to trying to mixmax everything.
To put it simple, if I know that I’m a scrub, and that I’ll always be one, then I can happily accept my fate
Ya when you learn build order some people along the way are naturally more intelligent and realise X is done because of Y and depending on W maybe I shouldn’t tech Z now. You can learn build orders and improve fast if you just dont auto pilot without thinking along the way. But it’s very tough to actually do the thinking and realisation of many things when you don’t have the fundamentals completely learned off from the build order because your focusing too much brain power on where’s my next vil going. Whether anyone here likes it or hates it the best way to improve is to learn build orders while ALSO thinking. Nothing about build orders is robot like unless your doing it wrong. Build orders are just the perfect series of opening moves learned so that you can play better. You will never go wrong by learning off build orders and thinking at same time. Some people like myself found build orders tough to follow and remember while new to the game so I did follow them to a T like a robot because they were enough for me to think about eventually I got good at them and better thinking and was able to adapt them. if you don’t learn build orders you have to figure everything out yourself organically without being told and will be much slower to improve and to adapt because your fundamentals will suck. S build order cuts out most of the decision making of the small things so you can focus on the bigger picture.
Okay, if that is your excuse to not even try.
I do enjoy trying my best and tryharding in order to improve my gameplay to face more stronger and proficient players in the ladder. Just like 95% of stuff in my life I’ll never achieve PRO’NESS, but I do enjoy trying my best and learning the meta and the game.
If you don’t I’m totally okay with it. It just triggers me that casuals like to mock on people for trying. And this is the only community on that happens.
Btw most of the casuals in this game are just players that can’t be bothered learning build orders and that’s fine when your new and finding your feet in this game. but people that are playing the game years and still hate on anyone that tries to better themselves in their play I just don’t get that. I’m not salty that other players are better than me. I also don’t get how people assume the tryhards aren’t having fun either. They try harder because they are having fun. No one plays if it’s a chore. btw I don’t have issue with anyone that plays casually and doesn’t want to invest time or effort learning build orders they can just have fun playing Luke that but makes no sense when there people hate on players that out in effort. Aoe is basically a game of who puts in the most effort anyway don’t get why these people who put in effort give out when someone puts in just a little more
who cares about elo? LMFAO
For anyone’s sake why toxic behaviours are tied with tryhards? In particular I think any true tryhards will blame themselves if they lose because they always find places to improve. You are also saying casuals would not complain about games and teammates which are completely wrong.
You got it wrong.
I try, just I know I’ll never be exceptionally good, nor I care about ranked games or what “elo” is, in fact, I play against AI only, and since I was told that doing that is worth nothing, I accept it and I’m happy.
I still try to fast castle, to scout rush, and other things by the way.
I don’t.
Hate? Ok I’m not super good at english but hate is something really strong for me. You don’t hate someone just because plays differently from you. At least I don’t. I might find it amusing though. But hate? no no
Maybe you missed the end line in my post, maybe you intend something else with the word “tryhard”.
The thing I know for sure is that no casual gamer would ever open a thread saying that the mangudai needs more frame delay, because usually casual gamers don’t even know what frame delay is.
But I think I’ve stated my opinion, I’m not really interested in going on, so have a nice day.
even casuals can learn what rof or frame delay is and adapt to it but they are still casuals (in a good way)
Well yea I just want to state that I experienced a lot of casual players who are also toxic (in LoL in particular), but lets move on, have a nice day
Fatslob is a legend. I can admit that much.