Known Issue: Translation & Localization (Korean Language - 한국어)

We are aware that there may be issues related to translation or localization of the game. Please consolidate all reports regarding the Korean language in this thread. Please include the following information:

  • Build number
  • Platform (Steam or Microsoft Store)
  • Location of text (Is it in a game menu, lobby, etc? Is it in a campaign, if so, which mission and what triggers the text?)
  • A screenshot of the issue
  • Description of what was mistranslated and a suggestion for replacement.

Please be aware that Developers and AOE Staff commenting on this thread may not know the language, and are utilizing translation software to understand what is being reported, so that it can be properly documented and passed to the Localization team.
우리는 게임의 번역 또는 현지화와 관련된 문제가있을 수 있음을 알고 있습니다. 이 글에서 한국어에 관한 모든 보고서를 통합하십시오. 다음 정보를 포함하십시오 :

  • 빌드 번호
  • 플랫폼 (Steam 또는 Microsoft Store)
    텍스트의 위치
  • 문제의 스크린 샷
  • 잘못 번역 된 내용 및 교체 제안.

이 스레드에 대해 언급 한 개발자 및 AOE 직원은 언어를 알지 못할 수 있으며 번역 소프트웨어를 사용하여보고되는 내용을 이해하므로 제대로 문서화하여 현지화 팀에 전달할 수 있습니다.

  1. I would like to report an example of mistranslation: Currently when exiting a game you see two choices, “Return to Map”, and “Leave Map” respectfully. The problem is the Korean translation of “Leave Map” is wrong. It currently reads “지도를 떠나”, which is awkward as this is an expression you use when you order someone. The correct translation should be: “지도에서 나가기”.
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Game Version:

  • Build (####) : No matter
  • Platform (Steam or Microsoft Store) : Both

Issue: In game Korean translation is poor

(Replace with a detailed description of the problem; please limit one issue per thread)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. You can see everywhere

시민군 계열이 식량 15를 소모합니다. <- 무슨 뜻인가 영어로 봤더니 15만큼 소모량이 감소한다는 뜻이었습니다. (-15)

그 외에도

지도를 떠나

같은 어색한 번역이 많이 있습니다. 전체적으로 한번만 훑어도 쉽게 개선될만한 사항들이라 아쉽습니다. 개선 부탁드립니다.

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Huge thanks for listing out all of these issues, everyone; I’ve written all of them up for investigation by our QA team!

As a note, I’m going to close out this thread now that we have everything written-up, but PLEASE do not let that stop you from submitting translation issues here in the bug category! Be sure to include the following information if you continue to see issues in the game that were not listed here:

  • The build number
  • The place where the issue can be found in-game
  • The text line (or “string”) in question
  • The English string (if possible)
  • The suggested change

I will continue to escalate this information to the team for review, and appreciate all of you help noting these issues! :heart:

Happy hunting!