Lancer Mongol Nerf is BEYOND HUGE please revert :/

This is a joke.
What can complete with every civ in early game is British longbow+spearman.

Mongols after removing tc rush in the future is just piece of sxxt.


exactly. mongol can’t compete with LBs mongols need lancer age 2

No, they don’t need it. Mongols are quite fine-tuned compared to others. TC rush is based on an exploit it has to be addressed. But overall, the Mongols are very good. You can watch daut to see how to play them on higher lvl.

Sorry man, pro player record is not a factor to determine a civ is op or not.
So in case top one player uses Delhi/Abbasid to win a game? At that time you change your mind come and say they are op again?

I like to play with Delhi too :slight_smile: Actually, Delhi and Mongols are my main. I think both of them are very good and strong. But you have to focus on a lot of things to utilize them properly and that’s it. Early lancers were removed with a proper reason. And that’s fine.

it was totally biased as a result they tested civilizations 4 by 4 if it would have been French or Rus instead of Mongol they would have suffered the same fate, if knights are removed for Mongol it should be the same for Rus and French or give them back and fix the TC rush

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Having 4 Early Horseman at the 4 minute mark harassing my woodline or gold is enough hassle.

No need to change it to 4 Lancers at the 6 minute mark.

I think the Mongols need to be reverted to their beta build and I think they’ve been over nerfed. Early harassments is no longer an option in comparison to Rus/French/Abbisids/English, and even HRE age 2 push either Men At Arms or the classic RUS/French knight rush. Mongols only have the Magadi (or however its spelled) to really do any sort of damage let alone get an early raid as intended. Trying an age 2 push is down right impossible and will result in a negative trade due to the inability to tank damage like knights can and removes your ability to trade effectively.

The removal of the lancer is just one element that is rly impactful to their early game but in addition to that their tech rework, changes to tower packups, and even the removal of sheep breeding rate upgrade are all just weird and backwards for a civ that the game should balance around.

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In beta Mongols could have 6 knights in 6 mins.
But that was not considered OP by a pro said.

If horseman rush is OP that most game will appear Mongols rush. Not French or Rus everywhere. (Exclude tc rush)

mongols need major buffs to feudal. lancers need to return.

I agree with OP, please bring back age 2 mongol lancers

It takes 20 arrows to kill a vill or sheep. Please.

20 free arrows which your enemy can’t counter is already enough.

Ok, where did this Lancer nerf idea come from? I can’t find it anywhere.

Mongole is top civ right now guys


I mean, it should be the top cavalry-focused civ just like history.
Their army was always 100% cavalrymen.
As they would order everyone to mount a horse to keep pace as fast as possible and surprise their enemies.
I don’t care if they nerf Mongol Infantry by buffing its cavalry.


Better nerf Ovoo and bring back early knight of mongol