Leaver issues in multiplayer ranked games

Hey everyone,

I’m curious if there are any modern solutions being developed to address the issue of players leaving multiplayer games prematurely. Typically, games handle this through surrender votes, penalties, and automatic bans. However, it seems like the prevailing mentality lately is to quit at the first sign of trouble, often leading to unfinished matches. Out of the 30-40 games I’ve played recently, only a handful have been completed.

Is it worthwhile to continue playing team games, or is focusing on 1v1 matches the only viable option to avoid this frustration?

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1v1 seems to be the only way to have control over early leaving. I agree that they should consider adding some form of team vote to surrender, there are many recoverable losses I’ve had that had to be completely scrapped because someone opted out through surrendering early.

I have an idea that could be interesting.

If a player of your team wants to surrender, he can click the “surrender” button but he would get a “waiting for your allies” message for team surrender. If that player does not surrender as a team surrender, he will be penalized as the one who dodge games before starting.

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