Legacy forum theme appears to have broken css

It looks like the css for this forum is not quite right when using the old theme. Is this known / being worked on? It’s been this way for like 3 months now :frowning:. Unfortunately due to a sight problem the new theme is just too difficult to read for me, would be awesome if this could be fixed.

Hopefully they get this fixed as the legacy theme is so much better then the blue and gold.

Well, let’s see what they’ll do.

Personally I prefer the broken look over its “intended” design, only problem being the yellow URL highlight text. That’s why I’ve been quietly using the broken mode for months - to me, it’s the “least bad” the forum has ever looked, by accident. If they try to intentionally make a “proper skin”, the result will be fully bad again.


But it’s absolutely in everybody’s right to want what’s broken fixed, so I wouldn’t begrudge you.