Since it’s ranged damage, I think multipliers is better (from X5 to X8)
I think also balance wise, since its “really big range” and that they’re also “anti-building”, this is why they take “very long” to land the first attack, and that they cost 2pop.
So at this point, I think a new technology in a new building then should be better.
New building with new technologies is a good idea, but it would require wood investment in a building and also some resources for buying a technology.
If opponent is going to attack with 2 falconets in early Fortress, Aztec player won’t have a time to upgrade Arrow Knigths. Technologies in the temple is a good idea for more “late” game.
I think that base multiplier vs artillery can be easily increased from x5 to x7-x8 without any negative impact on game balance.
I play Aztec a lot in FFA (Legacy, so I am not up to-date on other balance changes), it must not be the units themselves but the economic start up that is the problem. (FFA gets a better chance to turtle/ boom)
I find in my composition I have 10-15 arrow knights at all time. It takes 15 to kill cannon effectively, now it may seem like a lot of pop just to kill cannon, but ERK are so good that another 30 of them pretty much negates the opponent from making any cav to counter the arrow knights. Then I will in with coyotes or Jag knights or more ERk depending on what is needed.
Their only real weakness is coyote runners, that for 1 pop have low HP and low attack when compared to other 1 pop cavalry units like the cossak. Make them too strong however and Azzy army composition OP, but I always found they struggled VS just pure skirm mass, and a few halb or muskets to get into melee with coyotes that just fail so bad vs them.
Its not normal that you need to have to double card them for them to counter the units they supposed to counter effectively. They got 5hp buff at age 2 but you still have garbage shipment atm which is the only time aztec shine atm. You effectively have nothing to fall back on.
A potential contender buff is to move 3 wp to age 1 allowing you to pull out a USA and send 2 shipment age 1 buffing the “eco” or at least making the plaza come online earlier. It’s especially good with the fact aztec can get 2 shipment by the time they age up to second age. The more I think about this the more I like it!
I need to admit - I was a little bit too harsch for Arrow Knights. There is 7 Arrow Knights card in III age, I checked it. This is still only 875 resources compared to 1000 resources needed for 2 Falconets but it is better than 6 AK for sure.
So I tested 7 Arrow Knights vs 2 Falconets. With good micromanagement Falconets are able to kill all 7 AKs. However, in straigth fight Arrow Knights are winning without problems. It was quite a surprise for me. I looked more closely to find out why.
Every Falconet is dealing 100 x 3 x 0,5 = 150 siege damage to AKs. AKs have exactly 150 HP. It means that one Falconet’s shot is going to kill Arrow Kinght instantly. Falconets also have Area Of Damage = 3. So I assumed that all Arrow Knights near the target will die. But is seems that only direct hit is causing 150 damage. Soldiers nearby (even very close) are receiving about 5-30 damage.
I didn’t know that - I thought that every target in range of 3 will receive full damage. It seems that area damage from Falconets is more like “splash” - only direct hit cause full damage, the farther away = less damage.
In that new light I think that Arrow Knights are not that bad. Their biggest disadvantage is 2 population. They still could have better multiplier against artillery like x6 or x7 but x5 is not terrible. Another idea is to increase their health by 5-10 just to let them survive first direct hit from Falconet.
Arrow knight does only 12 dmg per shot to kill a falc, its about 16 to one shot a falc. The thing is, by the time they kill it, they mostly likely have blown your army to bits. Thats what is sad them. Also they are quite slow making them a nightmare to reposition and shoot since the first arrow is always long before shooting.
Sure, that’s true. On the other hand Arrow Knights have 30 range compared to 26 of Falconet’s and 1,5s rate of fire compared to 4,0s so they may be able to shot twice before Falconet would fire.
Anyway, slight buff to Arrow Knights will be welcomed but in my opinion it will not be enough to make Aztecs a competitive civ. They need more changes - I hope developers share our opinion.
There are still no Aztecs in any tournaments, this is a clear sign for me that they are under-powered.
In the other thread @Abrahamburger2 suggested that a good boost for Aztec will be to give them one free Warrior Priest in every age (and maybe also increase max WP limit +1 in every age).
I’m not sure about increasing their limit but one free WP in every age sounds like a great idea!
10/10 Warrior Priest in Age II is a greedy Aztec strategy. If you commit to that strategy you can be easily punished by opponent’s rush.
One more WP will decrease time needed in age II to achieve 10 WPs which seems to be a good buff.
Another benefit of that would be a Fast Fortress strategy. With two additional WP (one from II and one from III age) Aztecs could have a new interesting tactics even without WP dance in age II.
Right now they are rushing almost every time because of weaknesses in other strategies.
That’s part of the reason I said the limit could go up with every age up aswell, this would mean in age 4 you have 3 more wp than you would in age 4 currently, 3 more wp on the attack dance is a boost that should not be underestimated, it really adds up in big fights, and as we all know, sometimes one big fight can win or loose the game for you, it’s also worth noting that in the transition to late game as Aztec, farms and estates become necessary sometimes, and having 3 extra wp on the XP dance can be useful for getting your farm improvement cards. So I think this is a good late game buff aswell as a mid game buff, and a small early game buff.
Nope. The Community Plaza is hardcoded to only ever have a total of 10 Warpriest performing a ceremony.
This is why Incas also have a Priestess max of 10 in their CP, even though they can get a lot more than 10 Priestesses.
I suspect this is precisely so you could never have more than 10 superchargers of any ceremony.
Yeah I know the limit is 10, what I’m saying is that they could change it to go up by 1 every age, because if you think about it, the warrior priest is the main gimmick of Aztec, and Inca have almost the exact same thing so maybe they should make Aztec have it better than Inca because Inca have other stuff aswell like kancha houses and town center cards.
The main gimmick of the Aztecs is that their Farms and Plantations outproduce all others in the game.
They also have the mandatory Aztec Mining catd, taht makes your War Hut units spammable even when Wood runs out.
Their side gimmick, is that they win early, by insta-summoning hordes of troops, with their Big Button upgrades.
Aztecs are designed to be a Rush civ that can literally do nothing else, whilke Incas are designed as a “hands off” Economic civ that booms into a large army.
If you are not playing Aztec Insta-Aggro in Age 2, you are playing them wrong. They were not designed for Treaty, like Hauds were, for example.
I’m curious to see haude perform well in treaty… Their eco is really lackluster. For that reason, they aren’t really good late game but are much more better early mid game. Their rush, ff, semi-ff are all good/excellent with an ok eco behind.
Aztec early game is only carried by better xp generation. They not as good eco as haude (free placer mine is good!), not as good age 2 shipments, definitly not as good age 3 units, etc. It’s all ■■■■ for aztec. They also have the worst politician in the game leading the the hardest macro early age 2, where it’s hard to produce villagers + units + house at the same time.
Aztec has a good late game with farms but it comes up so late that most civ has finished booming 10 min before you do. Also you cannot defend while boosting farm output with card because of your units are made to overwhelm and without military cards you cannot overwhelm. Aztec are a mismatch of alot of playstyle but none works except rushing…