Hello there! Thanks for taking a lot of time to write about Chinese. I have done so in the past aswell and yet the devs still decided to nerf Chinese into the ground despite me and many others giving extensive feedback on numerous Chinese issues.
Hopefully the devs will decide to correct their current balance path or we won’t see Chinese play in competitive anymore.
I think this is a reasonable change. The number might need tweaking of course. But the Chinese “civ bonus” is simply being able to invest ressources into something. Meanwhile other civs simply get more ressources upfront. Currently its not worth it to build anything but the Song Dynasty Landmarks. This is a core problem in Chinese civ design and in design in general. See Age IV gather rate techs, which are almost never going to pay off in a real game.
Many other players recommended this and it sounds reasonable. The Crossbowmen could be a slightly weaker Crossbowmen just like other factions have weaker Knights. You wouldn’t build them unless you face armored units in Age 2 and since Crossbowmen do not beat anything but Armored units I see no problem with this. Chinese is already a defensive civ, this fits their playstyle.
This is a good idea. I have already proven that the Barbican of the sun is straight up a worse Kremlin. Just like almost all Landmarks are not just terrible on their own, those which are similiar are also worse than similar Landmarks of other factions.
Source: Barbican of the Sun and Spirit way are just a worse version of Kremlin and High Armory
This Landmark is another terrible Landmark and this buff is reasonable.
And interesting idea. Due to its big vision Radius you would benefit from building this in the middle ofthe map, which is also where you end up building barracks, stables and siege workshops later on. Currently there is no way from getting any Tax since you would have to build a Town Center nearby. Nobody does that, its a waste of ressources.
I have suggested to allow Imperial Officials to drop off Tax at Keeps to allow players to claim tax from buildigns at the frontline. But using this Landmark as a drop-off point would also work.
I guess a nerf is in order if Chinese gets buff in other places. But why don’t we grant a flat HP bonus instead? This would make it easier to balance stuff like Springalds vs Bombards.
Interesting fact: The Nest of Bees starts with 200 hitpoints, 60 less hitpoints than a Mangonel. This means it gets 2 shot by a Springald, meaning Nest of Bees, which is already a terrible unit since the stress test, is not even worth building from siege workshops. You have to build it from the Clocktower for it to be useful at all.
I have never understood this strange limitation to lose access to previous buildings. It makes no sense at all. I already told the dev to give players access to previously unlocked buildings in the stress test.
I suggested the exact same thing. Base building is too difficult, depending on the map it can be straight up impossible to get enough worth out of it.
This Landmark has 0 effect on buildings build at the frontline so Chinese is punished for having reinforcing buildings at the front, however this is needed to win the game. So Chinese gets nothing from their Age IV Landmark.
I don’t like this idea. Instead, the current buff to infantry ontop of walls should be reduces from 50% to like 25% or 20% but affect all infantry on walls on the entire map.
This does sound too powerful. I would rather have Chinese be a civ that doesn’t straight up die in Age 2 or fall apart in Age 3 due to having the terrible Nest of Bees instead of Mangonels.
Chinese doesn’t make it to Age IV anyway since they simply lose before they get there. I would rather have a fair game in the vast majority of games rather than let Chinese win in the 0,000000000001% of games where they can pull this off.
Overall very similar suggestions to mine. So lets hope the devs stop nerfing civs into the ground and instead listen to the community suggestions a bit more.