An option would be to be able to decide if you do or dont want a Wonder victory possible in QM sign up would be good. Means those who want to fight/buiild them can, and those who don’t, don’t have to change theiir entire game to attempting to get across a huge map to kill a building they spent the immediate time after building it putting several layers of walls in…
Guys! Map size is fine! All that needs to be tweaked is if they insist of having wonders in Team Games, make the timer longer! Maybe also make the resource requirements for building the wonder larger. It’s simple. Or they could offer the choice between ranked Standard and ranked Conquest (but then ranked Standard would probably die).
This is exactly my problem even before the patch! In such a large map in a 4v4 game. Moving those Siege (or building Sige Workshop near the enemy) - Takes time… It’s not too easy to reach the wonder once the other team is determined to build the wonder, they are going to defend and focus on the Siege.
Now that Siege are moving slower, Wonder race game will be even more popular! -
90% at a time I don’t build a wonder.
I find Wonder games boring. It’s like tower defend. Even I can reach Imperial as Chinese at around 14-minute mark in a water map, and Wonder around 17 minutes. I just never want to build one.
Solution: Please increase the time it takes to kill the wonder.
15 Minutes - Standard 1v1 Map
18 Minutes - Standard 2v2 Map
21 Minutes - Standard 3v3 Map
25 Minutes - Standard 4v4 Map
for good reason, most people hate the wonder!! lol
yep this is badly needed 25-30mins in a 4v4 would give enough time.
Lets see how tough it gets now with weaker and slower siege as well…
Getting through stone walls is going to be very very difficult… and we all know the role players that just wonder and wall it off 1000 times and you can’t get through even with old bombards lol how you gonna do it in 15mins with no bombards…
Hey Roman, you may not know me, but I know you. We are buddies in the game but we played only 2 games together. lol
I have played double the number of your games (800+), and half of it are wonder victories.
My current ELO is around 1200-1250 range…
ha, awesome. let’s get some more games going. I need more competent allies.
add me
ll Roman ll
they’re lower case L’s
only played a few games since patch but it seems its almost impossible to push siege now when its set up defensively the defending team has such a strong advantage already now its basically impossible to push because siege to counter is so slow.
I duno how ppl are going to take wonders out now.
bro I just watched a replay of a game 3 of the top 10 players in the world 3v3 were in it and they built a wonder so go shove your ELO ego flex up your ■■■ because your ELO isn’t higher than theirs.
I’m the most average player going and my winrate in team games is always vastly higher when we set out to build a wonder from the beginning. However, we would always wait for the enemy to start building one first before counter building one faster (unless they’re china ofc). As ultimately we always wanted to play without using a wonder.
but have you played 400 4v4 games?
Here again: what you seem to describe is an issue with map design and size, not with wonders per se.
Closed/chokepointy maps with extreme size/distance like Mongolian heights, black forest, danube river, hill and dale will usually result in wonder rush games, while lipany, dry arabia, king of the hill and high view play relatively “normal”.
thta makes games really boring. go for 10 minutes
Just remove them from quick match and ranked games.
If they have to stay then up the resource X4 to make and timer X2
What? no
We said that 15 min was indeed a low number and 20 minutes should be it.
I played the beta and in the beta , the wonder victory timers was set to 10 minutes , it was horrible and i dont want to play with wonders anymore
git gud bcuz i did and its ok at that timing.
I am sure he said he sees attempted wonder victories at his Elo, but they don’t dominate every match.
“I saw a game where it happened” isn’t a good counter to “in my experience this style of gameplay isn’t a problem At higher Elo.
Like arguing “my uncle smokes and doesn’t have cancer” when an oncologist says “I’ve seen many patients die from smoking related illness” then telling said oncologist to shove their personal experience up their butt