List of British Nerfs

Los otomano no gasta tanto alimento y lo pueden usar para otras cosas pero, pierden esa ventaja por el tiempo que tardan en crear aldeanos.

Creo que tu idea podría funcionar si tomamos una de estas opciones.

  1. Eliminan los envíos de aldeanos (todos) y un leve aumento en la creación de aldeanos 15% o 20%
  2. Aumentar el tiempo de creación de aldeanos 40% o 50% desde Age 1 a Age 3

Ralentizar el inicio de los ingleses no nerfea su economía agresiva y exponencial.

En pocas palabras no resuelve el problema principal.

Una idea que podría resolver todo el asunto seria que los aldeanos que provengan de una casa inglesa no sean instantáneos y tarden en crearse de manera similar a la creación de aldeanos de los otomanos.


  1. Destruir las casas de los ingleses ya no es darles una ventaja.
  2. El tiempo de creación permite evitar un boom económico tan agresivo.
  3. No invalida su bonificación en tratado pero lo ralentiza.
  4. No pueden poner las casas en cualquier lugar del mapa y salir impunes.

PD: Me parece una solución casi perfecta.

All I know is I very rarely used vc. Since the change though I’ve found I pretty much have no choice now.

It seems like a minor thing but since brits only skirm unit is wood heavy you can’t stay in units and pop space without it. If you have to use any wood unit you don’t have much of a choice.

The nerf was pretty pointless anyway. But i guess one can bully the devs into nerfing a perfectly fine civ.

El nerf de casas ha sido tan util que no conozco ya casi jugadores que la usen, anteriormente se usaba en un porcentaje normal, ya no, ahora no valen porque si al principio les presionas, no pueden seguir a otras civilizaciones en economía. Entonces no tienes buen chance ni en rush ni en juego prolongado, definitivamente te vas a otras civilizaciones que lo tengan. Britanicos si hacían mucha economía si el otro jugador se dedicaba a hacer tratado…Pero con peores unidades del britanico, en el tratado a largo plazo, no valen. Sólo hay que saber qué estrategia realizar con cada civilizacion. Con ese nerf la civilización ya no se usará en 1v1 y ya veremos en equipo…

This didn’t seem to translate well. Not sure exactly what this is about.

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He says that the houses nerf became them useless, than currently few players do manor boom. That now, if they are rushed other civs outboom them, losing the chance to rush or playing in lategame.

Actually do not need to nerf their houses and TC.

Just don’t let the British have the settler cards in the age 1 and 2.
So they would lose at least 3 settlers than others at the very early stage, which can balance the extra settlers coming from their houses.

Edit: If necessary, the card “Virginia Company” can also be moved to the age 2, and maybe reduce its discount to -25%. Now 140 wood * (1-0.35) = 91, even cheaper than a normal house!!!


its five wood per manor, 10 more wood for your first 2 manor, I doubt it had any significant repercussions. there are free treasures with more resources than the nerf has on your first 6 manors.

A 3% increase in cost won’t change the fact that manors are huge in value and a bonus for the civ.

The nerf wasn’t that significant but brits weren’t op imo anyway. If you play aggressive and control hunts you can hurt them before their investment in manors pays off.

Its more like the extra 10 vill seconds it delays each manor. it delays your ageup if you go tp - manor by about 12 seconds, and then you delay each manor by a couple seconds which means you lose out the resources your bonus vill would gather, which pushes your resource count by a decent margin.

each manor is delayed by say 3 or 4 seconds, across 20 vills that adds up to close to 100 resources or so by 6 min mark. Essentially the change only affects very high level tight build orders, but is essentially inconsequential for casual players. I think truthfully the change was unecessary but it toned brits down a bit for competitive players.


If you take away the vil cards there will be no option but to chose vc every time.

I seldom use the vc card usually going with the 3 vil. I usually lose mirror matches but the house boom thing for the most part bores me.

After 3 settler card sent, the Virginia Company is always the next one, especially for the player who plan to boom by the house. Even if people can only send VC as the first card, usually they only can house boom in the commerce age since the wood is not enough in the exploration age.

Removing the settler cards can make the situation better current, and still keep the British feature. And as I stated, if necessary, move VC to the commerce age and reduce its discount to make sure British house still cost a bit more than 100 wood, so usually they cannot send VC as the first card anymore unless they keep holding.

In this way, the British house booming can still work, just can no longer lead too much.

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The order is vc then hold after aging for the 700 wood.