List of suggestions for Quality of life features

Here’s the new updated list of my suggestions:

  • Separate gaia color from player 7 color

  • Allow to select multiple servers with the filters in lobby browser

  • add Option to toggle on/off for “Go-To Hotkeys will center(move screen) on the unit’s location”

  • add Option to disable ALT key garrisoning (especially useful now since we can use the new ALT feature to signal units to move somewhere without attacking a building)

  • add 3 hotkeys for selecting all lumber camps, all mills and all mining camps (this one won’t really be needed if you implement the toggle above for centering on unit location or not)

  • add one more Health Bar option for always showing units but not showing buildings HP

  • add hotkey for select all water military units

  • separate hotkeys for elite battle elephant and elite steppe lancer upgrades (currently they are all stuck on the same letter but it would be nice to be able to modify)

  • add hotkey for ungarrisoning out of allied buildings (currently if you garrison in ally building, you can only click a button to ungarrison, hotkey isnt functioning)

  • Allow to speed up Recorded games faster (currently singleplayer can be speed up 8x times by using DEBUGSPEEDS steam launch options, recorded games can’t and are maxed out at a slower speed.

  • Suggestion for spectating ranked games more easily: Instead of naming every match AUTOMATCH, can we have it like RM-1v1-(player1)vs(player2)(avg-elo)

  • Allow to build 2 diagonal gates next to each other a.k.a. change the space the diagonal gate occupies. Probably is hard to implement due to engine limitations, but it would be nice to have. Currently it’s not possible to build diagonal gates next to each other (or anything exactly next to a diagonal gate) as shown in this forum post: Hope to fix an issue about building gates

  • Don’t show trees that are half chopped by someone in the fog of war if we didn’t scout that the tree is chopped yet. This one would have some impact on gameplay balance, because currently you are able to see where your enemy has migrated to chop wood if you have that area explored from earlier.

  • Double clicking palisade/stone walls foundations shouldn’t also select built walls as well

  • Improve the endgame Statistics score screen with features like these:
    –Number of Town Centers constructed
    –Villagers Killed / Villagers Lost
    –Resource Count at end of game (showing how much resources the player had when the game ended, not just showing total collected amount)
    –Favorite Military unit (the unit that you made the most, with the number next to it how many times you made it, this one I admit feels to be a bit harder to implement, but who knows… Also, I saw this feature in aoe3)
    –Number of Towers constructed
    –Time of Wheelbarrow and hand cart in the time line