I will list out one that I have been trying here for China using the Land Reform card, which doubles the XP gained from all buildings and speed ups the wagon spam a lot harder for an FI. Its a Chinese FI that is faster and meaner then ever before
Age 1
Collect food and build Porcelain Tower with 8 vils - rest of vils on food
Do not build with the first castle wagon - save for age 2
Age 2
Set 5 vils to food and the rest to coin, Also set the porcelain tower to coin. Collect until you have 300 then all vils on food
First card - Land reforms
After it arrives, build 2 castles from the wagons, you will get 240 xp from that alone.
2nd card - 700 gold (wagon - castle)
3rd card - 700 food (wagon - consulate-British)
after gathering the crates age with summer palace
then again quickly set most vils to coin and 5 on food, this time for 200 coin
Age 3
Build the TC, doesnt matter where
Set porcelain tower on wood
4th card - 1000 gold (wagon -War academy)
with 1000 food from summer palace and 1000 gold age with the skirm wonder
In transition, can send 10 skirm/internvention muskets if being pressured, fight under the towers.
Also build a village since after the skirm wonder pops you will be pop capped
Set 10 vils on food and the rest on gold (need to get to 350 gold)- build vils from 2 tcs constantly
Age 4
5th card - 17 skirms (wagon - castle) - maybe more forward
Skirm should be sent forward to pressure
Once you get to 350 wood and gold get the guard tech for the skirms
6 card and beyond - Whatever you feel like (Crow spam to pressure base/ Rattans to push off cav and melee/emperors army for more skirms and hand mortar pressure)
Sample deck
Post your ideas here
Edit: I also want to try using the faster shipment speed card in this to make this even faster, but don’t know how viable that is