Loading Mods

Since I can’t find anyone with the same problem, here is my situation:
Whenever I try to ‘Browse Mods’ I get stuck with an infinite ‘Loading Mods…’
Multiplayer works fine and I don’t encounter bugs anywhere else. I just simply can’t access Mods and I don’t understand why

hola, nose si a alguien mas le paso, cuando ingreso al apartado de mods, buscar mods se queda cargando y nunca encuentra nada lo he dejado 2 horas y no sale ningun mod.
Intente descargar mods de https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/ y tampoco aparecen… nose que mas hacer

I have the same problem and I saw others commenting the same. Any fixes yet ?

yo le pedí a un amigo que me pasara los mods que tenia y me anduvo, pero sigo teniendo el mismo problema que se queda cargando

No, I still have the same problem. No clue what to do about it.

Did you use the workaround for the chat filter? It had 1 issue: this screen wont work anymore.

yeah, if you’re still blocking the chat filter, doing so also messes with the mod browser. Unfortunately.

No, that can’t be it. I’m not using any workaround to block the chat filter.

Greetings! Has anyone solved this problem? Maybe the reasons for its appearance have become known?