Lords of Dakshinapatha DLC Concept

This DLC introduces 3 New Civilizations, 1 New Campaign from Ancient India and 2 New Civilizations, 2 New Campaigns from Medieval India into the Game.

For Return of Rome

New Civilizations

• Harappans
	○ Based on Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1700 BCE)
	○ Bonuses on fortification and trade

• Jorwe
	○ Based on Savalda, Malwa and Jorwe Cultures (2300-1000 BCE)
	○ Bonuses on elephant and slinger

• Vedic Aryans
	○ Based on OCP, BRW and PGW Cultures (2800-600 BCE) - Mahajanpadas
	○ Bonuses on chariot and economy

New Architecture Set

• Architecture that evolves from Terracotta (Early Harappan) to Brick (Late Harappan) to Wooden (Mauryan)
• Wonder: Sanchi Stupa

New Units

• Aryan Chariot - Upgrade to Chariot Archer
• Elephant Marksman - Upgrade to Elephant Archer
• Boarding Ship - A new ship that converts
• Bhikkhu  - Upgrade to Priest

New Buildings

• Beads Factory - Villagers work here to produce Gold (exhaustible)
• Ceramic Factory - Villagers work here to produce Stone (exhaustible)

New Animals

• Rhinoceros
• Ostrich
• Tiger
• Cow / Ox

New Maps

• Saraswati: Mythical River that is now dried up.
• Dholāvirā: Greatest Mining Port of Ancient World
• Daimābād: Hoards of Metallurgical Excellence
• Burzahom: Settled underground in Icy Lands.
• Hastināpur: Iron Tools helped clear Jungles of Ganga

New Campaigns

• Dasrājan Yuddha (14th Century BC)

For Age of Empires II

New Civilizations

• Kannadigas
	○ Language: Kannada
	○ Bonuses related to Knights and Gunpowder
	○ Unique Units: Kodavas, Garhs
	○ Wonder: Gommateshwara Statue

• Kalingans
	○ Language: Oriyā
	○ Bonuses related to Archers and Elephants
	○ Unique Unit: Khandāyat, Nāyaka
	○ Wonder: Konark Sun Temple

New Maps

• Bengāl: A low lying valley with lots of mangroves bounded by hills
• Punjāb: Plain dry field with sparse forests but lots of rivers running parallel.
• Tamizhakam: Peninsula with mountain range running in the middle dividing dry land and rainy land.
• Ceylon: Island with a hill in center and lots of mines.
• Thār: Desert with trees only in periphery
• Kuchh: Salt field with lake in the middle that contains a land containing ruins of ancient civilization and relics.
• Mālwā: Deciduous Forest with Rivers cutting across with deep valley and cliffs.
• Deccan: Cracked Fields (Black Soil) and hilly dry terrain with a lot of mines.
• Kalingā: Hilly Rainforests with only few passes along the rivers where one can ambush.
• Assam: A large river cutting the map into two and mountains in the edges.
• Doāb: Fertile plains with Gaia farms and mills that can be captured dotted across maps.
• Nepāl: Snowy Mountains with relics trapped within tree patches and marshy valley.

New Map Editor Contents

• Nagara Temple, Vesara Temple, Dravidian Temples
• Buddhist and Jain Caves, Chaitya Hall
• Uru Ship, Mayurpankhi Ship, Brāhmins Monks
• Regur Soil (Black Cracked) Terrain, Salt Marsh Terrain, Saffron Farms
• Brahman Ox, Peacock, Nilgai, Macaque, Transport Elephant, Vultures
• Assam, Sri Lanka, Kāshmir, Punjāb, Gondwānā, Nāgālim, Rājputānā Units.

New Campaigns

• Govinda III of Rāshtrakuta Empire
	○ War of Succession (Capture multiple cities before time runs out)
	○ Capture of Kannauj beat Gurjara-Pratiharas
	○ Capture of Kannauj beat Pala-Bengalis
	○ Conquest of Tamilakam beat Dravidians (Sri Lanka obtained without fight)
	○ His brother Indra found Gujarat branch

• Narasingha Deva I of Ganga Empire
	○ Predecessor Anangabhima Deva III defeats Chandelas, checks Bengal, raids South India.
	○ First seizure of Lakhnauti (Beats Hindustanis and Bengalis)
	○ Battles of Umurdan (Some set back but checkmates enemies again)
	○ Conflict with Kakatiya ruler Ganapatideva (defeats Kannadigas and Dravidians)
	○ The Legend of Dharmapada (Building wonder before time runs out)

Indian Civilizations Update

• Dravidians renamed to Tamils
• Indians receive their unique graphics for King, Ship Sails and Trade Cart and User Interface
• Devapala Campaign recieves unique Heroes.

Great ideas! I especially like the idea of adding an ancient India civ to ROR.


Why? Dravidians were a real culture throughout history.

Its a language family,besides the current dravidians are tamils in every aspect.


“Dravidian” is a language family, not a distinct culture.

It’s like calling a civ Cyrillic.


Did not know about the Jorwe Culture before. They have Rhinos on Wheels. Interesting :sunglasses:

@UnAutreVoyage Thank you!

@L0rdc0nquest Dravidians is a supraethnicity consisting of many individual ethnolinguistic groups.

@Mahazona Yes it is primarily representative of Tamils (wonder, language, unique units and campaign) except the castle which is based on Golkonda Fort (Deccani). Perhaps it will be a good idea to swap it with a model inspired from some Tamil style like Gingee Fort or Panchalankurichi Fort.

@Tyranno13 True

@CooingPlum09683 Haha, yes it is just one of the metal statues found in Daimabad Horde.

Well then why are Hindustanis called Hindustanis?

Because Hindustan is the term for Muslim-controlled India before its unification. It’s also the general term Muslims used for India, but since the civ doesn’t represent all of India, we can assume it’s the former.


Urumi was more popular in Malaylam afaik. And it is not a battle weapon.

It was used by Tamils and Sinhalese as well.

Because it means “Where the Hindus are”. And “Hindu” is derived from “Indus”, a specific location in India.

Not to mention that Hindi is one language, not a whole family of them.

Hindustan was first mentioned in Sassanid Inscriptions in 273AD. It referred to land around Sindhu River. Persians pronounce ‘S’ as ‘H’. And further Greeks make ‘H’ silent so it becomes Indus.
Ghaznavids referred to their territories in Lahore as Hindustan. Later it’s breakaway Delhi Sultanate called it’s territories as Hindustan. Mughals also used to refer to their territory as Hindustan. Nepali King also called himself the unifier of Hindustan. So historically it is a word used to refer to North Indian Plains around Delhi by Persians. Pakistan (a new name invented in 1933) gave momentum to use Hindustan for the other half. Note: Hindus was not associated with any religious construct. It was a Persian term refering to all Indian people irrespective of religion. British even used Gentoos to refer to Hindus (Code of Gentoos Laws).

@SMUM15236 Urumi Weapon seems to have started with Kalaripayattu Martial Arts. But it was used throughout South India. Also Chera kingdom is considered a part of the Muvendars (Three Crowned Kings of Tamizhakam along with Pandya and Chola). Malyalam became a distinct language evolving beyond a dialect from Tamil as they remained independent kingdom for a long time. Urumi was even used by Sikhs (they still showcase it in Sikh Martial Arts Gatkā) later. So it did spread to more regions. Urumi were specialist mercenaries. They used the weapon as a belt when not in fight. They did fight in Battles but in smaller numbers.



Second that. But change it into a proper civ with good options and wide tech tree.

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Some edited mock up town centres I created for division of Indian Architecture into different areas (hopefully one day) -

For East India

Thatched Roof and Terracotta

For South India

Slope Roof and Granite

For North India

Tāj/Chhatris and Sandstone


This looks really good! I especially like the North Indian one. I feel like it would solve a major problem I have with Hindustani architecture, in that it doesn’t resemble actual Indo-Islamic architecture at all.

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What do you mean? They already have one of the most unique tech tree and game style. I wouldn’t want them to make it wide open with all techs and boring play style. It’s hard to learn I agree but rewarding when mastered.

Some concepts for Indian King, Indian Trade Cart and Indian Ship Sails

I used Rajendra Chola Hero Model and gave him the Umbrella and made him a foot unit wearing dhoti.

I used the trade cart from AoE1, changed it’s solid wheel to spoked wheel, gave him a turban and donkey changed to ox with #### back (Indian Cattle)

I used Ship Sails from the Dravidian Unique Ship and adjusted their angles.


What do you think about this concept for Indian sails?
south asian sails mockup

It’s just an edit, but you get the idea.


We need this to be official asap.