LoS of all Oracles isn't shown when selecting one

  • Game Version: 18.12962

  • Build Number: 18.12962

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 11


Line of Sight of all Oracles should be shown even when selecting just one. That’s how it worked before the latest patch. But now only one Oracle shows its LoS.

Trigger Event:

LoS of all Oracles isn’t shown when selecting one.

Repro Steps:

  1. Train multiple Oracles.
  2. Select just one Oracle.
  3. Only one Oracle shows its LoS.

Hey @Bareunnamu, thank you for the report. We seem to be unable to repro this issue our end. If it does happen again, please do let us know and include a screenshot + save from where the issue happens. Cheers!

The right oracle isn’t showing its LoS while I’m selecting the left oracle.

If I want to see the LoS of an oracle I’m not selecting, I must hover the mouse cursor on that oracle.

I’ve seen the same issue in game I had last night. Thought I was going crazy, lol

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