@PCDragon3979 I noticed a limitation on the unique units that the player can create with different civilizations (e.g. Franks creating the Leitis, Turks creating Qizilbash Warriors) in several campaigns of yours. None of them can be upgraded to their elite versions, even if the player starts in the Imperial Age or can advance to it. This greatly limits the use of these units in the campaigns.
Another bug I found specifically in the Louis XII campaign is the presence of the Bearded Axes tech even though the French in the campaign cannot train Throwing Axemen.
@PCDragon3979 Not only Bearded Axe, but also Elite TA upgrade is available even with the player being unable to create TAs, while they cannot upgrade to Elite any of the non-Frankish UUs available (Leitis, Monaspa, Genoese Crossbowman - the latter can only be upgraded in the scenario played with Italians). The enemy factions also cannot upgrade their “foreign” UUs (Organ Gun, Conquistador/Dragoon, etc.).
Another problem in the scenario is in the 3rd, in which I play with the Italians. Some of the actual upgrades from finding Roman ruins are different from the ones announced - e.g. actual Yeomen tech is researched instead of HCs and Genoese Xbows gaining +3 range; the 30hp/s unit regeneration does not work.
I’m aware of it. Something is wrong with the triggers, and I’m fixing it