Low hanging fruit to make game more popular with casuals

Program a defensive AI, that is basically a Hardest AI but focuses on making layers of stone walls, Towers and Keeps, and defending them with units. Add extra cheating difficulties on top, just like the regular AI.

Why am I recommending this? Say I have a friend that’s completely new to RTS, and I want to introduce him to the game. What will we play together currently? We can play some 2v2 vs AI, but the AI will probably still attack my friend, which will make him feel uncomfortable.

New players need something that is fun for unboarding, and a lot of new players love building up a nice base and a big army, and attacking the enemy when they feel ready. Having some nice fortifications to attack is awesome compared to just attacking enemy army and landmarks.

So please consider adding a defensive AI to the game, that’s relentless with macro and defending itself. Being able to break a really strong AI that won’t attack you would feel incredibly rewarding for new players.

Then maybe it will make sense to buy the game for a friend or for your kid when it’s 50% off.

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I’m a casual and this sounds incredibly boring tbh. Most casuals I know prefer defending to attacking and indeed like building a big fortified town and defend it against attacks.

How designing something that too an AI is a low hanging fruit?