So this topic came up in someone’s civ design thread, but I think it would be an interesting idea generally: Make the Gurjara’s Camel Scout unit available to civs with strong camels - Saracens, Hindustanis, Berbers, Malians, and possibly some others, as well as any future camel-dominant civs of Africa or Asia.
Regarding the “unique” designation, yes, this is technically a “unique unit” in that only 1 civ gets it currently, so I’m sure some people will oppose this idea on that basis. But let’s not pretend that the Gurjaras wouldn’t be plenty unique without exclusivity of the camel scout, given that they still have 2 other (actual) unique units with crazy gimmicks, and some pretty radical bonuses. And the way the camel scout is actually designed is more like a regional or generic unit, especially given that it literally upgrades into a fully generic unit in Castle Age, so the designation of it as the Gurjaras 3rd UU has always seemed a little wonky. And this also wouldn’t be the first time a unique unit has become a regional unit (pre- DOI Elephant Archer).
I also think it would be interesting if there were 3 basic scout types, each of which were shared by several civs (Scout, Eagle, Camel). This could lead to more varied Feudal gameplay, and I think is worth considering given the large amount of interest people have expressed in having more visually appropriate regional units (or skins). This could also be a way of giving some mid-tier civs (Berbers, Saracens, Malians) a small buff.
Along a similar line of reasoning, there’s also the possibility of making the Imperial Camel a semi-regional upgrade, like Paladin or Winged Hussar for Camel civs. However this would be viable in fewer cases given how many strong camel bonuses there are that would make stacking with Imp Camel prohibitive, and I’m less attached to the idea overall. But it belongs in the same conversation anyway, as a generic upgrade that could be used for multiple civs.