Make ranked queue rotating across game modes

This topic does not discuss RM being changed, only EW slot

Currently ranked queue is fixed to random map and empire wars (2 slots)

Make one of the slots [EW] rotating across multiple game modes, where each mode would last 1 / 2 / 4 weeks depending on the mode

2 week regicide
4 week death match
4 week empire war
2 week Custom Scenario [CBA / … other popular ones]
… ect

This would make things more interesting and fair to all players looking to play their favorite mode

It will also give a chance for RM players to try different modes occasionally


I doubt people get out of traditional RM to try others maps if you don’t give them a good incentive.

A time ago I proposed an in-game tournament system.
Like pro’s tournaments you would have a draft of civs and maps, with picks and bans. The map pool could rotate weekly, as you say.

Of course should have some kind of reward or its own elo ladder.

i don’t think these other modes would be popular, but EW already isn’t so it’s worth a shot

It’s already hard enough to find ranked opponents. Splitting the player base between ranked and tournaments will have the same effect Return of Rome had on aoe1.