Making Jadwiga: behind the scenes of the Polish campaign

Hey guys!

While working on the Jadwiga campaign for the Dawn of the Dukes DLC, I decided to record the entire design process and turn it into a “making of” series. Each episode shows the design of one of the scenarios (a weeks-long process condensed into 10-15 minutes).

The first two episodes are now out, and I am hoping to release a new episode a week!

In these videos you will get a look at the behind the scenes work on the Polish campaign, as well as a general overview of how you can go about making your own custom campaigns in the game.

I hope you enjoy!

Episode 1: The Matter of the Crown

Episode 2: Star of the Poles


I hope you’ll keep supporting AOE2:DE with DLCs in the future :wink:


Gonna keep saying it, your designs are so beautiful! I really liked looking back at the maps after the scenario is done.


This is the best campaign in the game. Great work. Hopefully you will make new campaigns in the future.


I see you took my advice for posting them here, nice, more people need to watch this videos, they are really good

Hi LordBasse,

I already wrote this same message by PM, but didn’t get a response yet, so I’ll try my luck on this thread

I just wanted to firstly say thanks for your astounding work for the Jadwiga campaign! I’ve also seen the first 2 episodes of your in depth creation of the scenarios and all the background work & it’s really, really amazing! Tack sa mycket! :wink:

I have a couple of questions about a couple of the scenarios + some of the naming conventions for units and towns:

  1. In Jadwiga 1, it says to visit the purple villages (plural), but only the siege engineers give you a side objective. The first purple village with the market where you engage the Masovians doesn’t have anything, nor the little village to the east of the Duke of Masovia. Is this correct?
    I think that you might have explained it in the first video, but Krakow doesn’t fall under Jadwiga’s control? I saw in the pre-release screens of both Krakow and what looks like Opole from this mission in Red & Orange respectively with Jadwiga in her missionary sprite.

  2. Jadwiga 2 has the Galician towns in the modern Ukrainian spellings of Lviv, Halych, Terebovl, (Lwów, Halicz, Trembowla in Polish), Pohonicz is the Polish spelling and Rohatyn is the same in both languages. Jadwiga 3 has Seinai which is the Lithuanian spelling of Sejny now in Poland, whereas Wolkowysk and Ostrow are the Polish spellings of villages that are now in Belarus.

  3. Jogaila is referred to throughout the campaign with his Lithuanian name, despite the cutscenes explaining that he changed his name after marrying Jadwiga. Missions 2, 3, 4 & 6 could have his unit name changed to King Wladyslaw II Jagiello like in Jan Zizka 2.

  4. Is there anyway to add some of the lines from Jan Zizka 2 to the field battle of Grunwald of Jadwiga 6? The references to Bogurodzica, Gaude Mater Polonia and Vytautas’ cry of Lietuva could all be used in that culmination of the Jadwiga campaign.

  5. Just lastly, are you aware that some of the achievements for both Jadwiga and Jan Zizka are bugged & are not unlocking correctly?

Once again, thanks for all your amazing work for the Jadwiga campaign. I hope I haven’t asked too many questions, but I just want to say again that you’ve done quite a fantastic job!


In the slideshows Jadwiga says that she will always call him Jogaila, and since the campaign is from her POV then it makes sense that he is called that (not sure about how historically correct that is, but it’s explained in there)

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Thanks for the links, I’d probably miss these vids! Very interesting.
I still can’t believe there is a Polish civ and a campaign in Age of Empires II.

Pozdrawiam! :poland: :lithuania: :czech_republic:


My point is that it isn’t historically correct. He was King and took up the new name when he married Jadwiga. It’s even more strange that he both does and doesn’t have the correct title & name at the same battle in 2 different campaigns.

And my point is that Jadwiga is the narrator and POV of the campaign, and according to the slideshows she still called him Jogalia after he changed his name, sure, the last battle happens after her death, but it’s still her campaign, so it makes sense
On the other hand Zizka didn’t know Jogalia before he changed his name, so from his POV he is Wladyslaw II

The idea of making the 3 campaigns interlinked was genius. Jan Zizka was more remote from the others, but the Lithuanian & Polish campaigns felt like one single huge campaign.

I also greatly enjoyed the different scenarios. One point that really connected with me was that the geography was mostly right, notably rivers being shaped as expected from real geography.


Thanks for the feedback, guys!

In Jadwiga 1, it says to visit the purple villages (plural), but only the siege engineers give you a side objective. The first purple village with the market where you engage the Masovians doesn’t have anything, nor the little village to the east of the Duke of Masovia. Is this correct?
I think that you might have explained it in the first video, but Krakow doesn’t fall under Jadwiga’s control? I saw in the pre-release screens of both Krakow and what looks like Opole from this mission in Red & Orange respectively with Jadwiga in her missionary sprite.

Yes, only the siege engineer provides a side quest. In one of the other villages you will find a large pile of gold guarded by some Mazovians.

As for the pre-release screenshots, these used the campaign scenarios as a base but they changed a lot of things around to show off more of the new civs in each shot. As such you’ll see Obuchs and hero units in places where you don’t see them in the actual campaign, and the player colours will have been switched around to give some extra variety to the screenshots.

Jadwiga 2 has the Galician towns in the modern Ukrainian spellings of Lviv, Halych, Terebovl, (Lwów, Halicz, Trembowla in Polish), Pohonicz is the Polish spelling and Rohatyn is the same in both languages. Jadwiga 3 has Seinai which is the Lithuanian spelling of Sejny now in Poland, whereas Wolkowysk and Ostrow are the Polish spellings of villages that are now in Belarus.

It’s not perfectly historically accurate, no. In many cases I couldn’t find a clear explanation for when a town switched from being called one name to another, so in many cases I picked the name that I thought would make the most sense to a non-native speaker.

Jogaila is referred to throughout the campaign with his Lithuanian name, despite the cutscenes explaining that he changed his name after marrying Jadwiga. Missions 2, 3, 4 & 6 could have his unit name changed to King Wladyslaw II Jagiello like in Jan Zizka 2.

We decided to stick to Jogaila in both the Lithuanian and Polish campaigns to avoid confusion around the name as far as possible. As Julix also pointed out earlier in the thread, there are a few ways this makes the most narrative sense as well: Jadwiga kept using the name Jogaila (or at least she does in this private diary), while Jan Zizka, looking at the king from an outsider’s perspective, uses his Christian name, but still remarks that he is “still known as Jogaila to his Lithuanian countrymen.”

Is there anyway to add some of the lines from Jan Zizka 2 to the field battle of Grunwald of Jadwiga 6? The references to Bogurodzica, Gaude Mater Polonia and Vytautas’ cry of Lietuva could all be used in that culmination of the Jadwiga campaign.

Sam (who designed the Bohemian campaign) and I went for rather different tones in our stories, so it made more sense to keep that tone consistent within each campaign. Besides, it makes the two versions of the battle a bit more unique from one another.

Just lastly, are you aware that some of the achievements for both Jadwiga and Jan Zizka are bugged & are not unlocking correctly?

I think this has been fixed now, or if not it should be in the near future!


I hope not. Too many civs already

Episode 3 is now out!


Thanks a lot for not using the reason “she was a feminist icon from history” as a reason to choose Jadwiga!!

Great campaigns too

Definitely the Slavic ones are my favorite.

Now we need a Ruthenians campaign please. Norse, Ruthenians and Magyar would be good set!!

In future jsut many campaigns for each civ. So much history.


LOL dude are you lord basse from aokheavengames? I used to frequent that forum back in 2003-2005



Thank you! Yep, the very same!


+1 to this. This is a really good explanation to all those who wonder.


Man it’s great to see you making a living doing this considering we were just amateur/enthusiasts back then. I remember some names in the scenario making business. Ingo van thiel. Is he working for forgotten empires too?

I was just a kid faffing about on the forum. Blademaster23 was the screen name. Made a dragon ballz campain using the flying dog trick and exploding macaws 1111 and a nice rap battle thread in the forum back then. Good old days 11

Congrats man.


Yeah those were great times! AoKH isn’t too active now, but it held on well into the 2010s and there is still a pretty activate Discord community. Ingo unfortunately doesn’t work for FE, but we do have a great team of designers!