Malta, British, Inca, Sweden, China, Ports and India Changes

Sentinels 1 pop and nerf the rocket card would be my suggestion.

This is wrong concept, age3 is not hard to reach.
1v1 bottom tier not means Team game is bottom, Team game they have at least A tier.
I wonder anyone disagree xbow OP do they really try it or enjoying unbeatable xbow like Hakk.
If Malta gets buff only but nothing nerf for xbow and eco, it will extractly become the next Sweden previous patch.

If a civ is ONLY weak in 1v1, that only requires few cards to let them achieve unbeatable unit later, it not balance.


Very good comment and observation. You are completely right. With a buff Malta would be extremely op

I don’t see how they will become the next sweden with a few tiny buffs, their bottom tier currently. Sure you can get to a point where the xbow become very strong but you need 2 age 3 upgrade cards while your opponent could send units and falcs instead for immediate benefit. The civs are balanced around 1v1 it’s the most popular game mode, devs aren’t prioritizing team/treaty balance over 1v1.

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Rather than just to listen verbally that they are WEAK, I prefer to have evidence.

For the Wingnacourt, from another topic someone has objection this card is not OP and ONLY 10% buff and remain 20% due to aura is not quite effective.
In the picture, the outpost was already located at the screen edge but the vils still can under buff, I don’t know how people are shooting their hunt outside or just gathering resource far away from their TC/Outpost/Commandery, I can say only noobs will do that, otherwise Malta vils are enjoying one age2 card with 30% buff to ALL RESOURCE.

Age4 Malta crossbow compared to Dutch skirm. (Malta 4 buff cards and Dutch 3 buff cards)


Malta crossbow have only 2HP and 10% range resistance less (after sending 10 shipment), which Malta still can boost their HP with sending shipment.
However crossbow have 10% more attack and incredible siege 30 attack with 19 range.
Price crossbow 40F 40W and 50F 65G
Vils gathering rate (default):
Food 0.84/s, Wood 0.5/s, Gold 0.6/s
Crossbow 40/0.84+40/0.5 = 127s
Skirm 50/0.84+65/0.6 = 165s
Roughly 3:4 vils working time, 40 crossbow VS 30 skirm.

Crossbow still can siege enemy building from 19 range with 30% stronger than skirm.
Normal house 1200HP can only suffer 20 crossbow 2 shot only and from 19 range 4 speed, while they still can counter other units.
Artillery which normally used to siege still need to turn mode with slower speed.

For Malta weakness, Sentinel cost 2 pop and I don’t know why, may be OP after shipment and aura ?

In case they get any buff early game without nerfing OP cards (Wingnacourt and Steel Bolts), they will ruin the game like Sweden before. Means they don’t need to suffer age2 hard time and happy fly to OP stage.

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“Because I don’t play team game for main so I don’t care.”
“As long as their unbeatable period NOT YET appeared in my game in this patch, I don’t accept any opinion they are strong.”

This concept appeared in initial DE Sweden from protecting Sweden not getting nerfed but ruined the game seriously. While some people were still shouting Sweden was just balance when Sweden can 10 mins gathering 18000 ~ 20000 resources (If I don’t remember wrong).

Done. I don’t have anymore to discuss. This is only selfish talk.

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They are neither op nor above average basically they are a normal civilization with nothing op but everything has its value no unit is scarce but not op either (perhaps in the long run crossbows can become a problem for their stats and low cost that they have) but in essence their musketeers are strong in 4 ages. The wignacourt card is essentially excellent 30% speed is very good and with Malta you have to play outpost because it makes sense, 1 for map control 2 to favor the card and 3 because you can have more visibility and favor the sentinels in case and it counts that that 30 damage they do if you micro the outpost always makes a difference. I think Malta needs to be reviewed a bit as a civilization


I never said I don’t care about team games but 1v1 is and should be the priority. It’s difficult for every civ to be perfectly balanced in every game mode as you say some civs that are trash tier in 1v1 are good in team, it’s difficult to balance just 1 of those modes and not effect the other, treaty is a bit easier because age 5 changes won’t normally effect 1v1 balance for example.

You can’t compare OG sweden to current malta, nobody thought sweden was weak it was generally regarded as OP af with eco and svea lifeguard. Malta is currently a low tier civ, sure it has 1 unit that can be good late game after sending 4 cards but that doesn’t matter when you lose to early aggression or just a standard FF that almost every civ can do.

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Precisely this! Malta is an overall low-performing civ that can be strong in certain circumstances only and when very few if any mistakes are made.

I’m more interested in team games (mainly 2v2) than 1v1. Everyone has his own. There are civs that are great at 1v1 but suck at 2v2 and 3v3, other civs that are great at everything, some that are great at 1v1 and 2v2 but suck at 3v3, and some that are only great at 2v2 and 3v3, etc. If maybe you started dividing the balance between 1v1 and team for each mode (cards included) I’d say that then the game could start balancing otherwise same shit another day.

The +5w is Absolutely needed to nerf both Karni and Agra Fort openings.

This way the wonders themselves don’t need to be tweaked much at all and stay strong.

Karni Mata is not the only problem, it’s every opening as India.

People can make as many arguments as they like regarding India’s eco and how they “gather wood slower”, but all of the other bonuses offset it to the extent of making it S+ tier at the moment.

Unlike, say, Malta whose civ bonuses don’t snowball as quickly and is only possible with a lot of actual effort and minimal mistakes.

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I propose to eliminate the incas, this saves resources on the civ balance and a lot of blasphemy when you play against it

Please stop your irresponsibility and only complain about everything

Are you talking to me?

Starcraft 2 is STILL being patched to this day with their THREE races. It’s a 13 year old game which became free to play a few years ago.

Balance is a serious issue that needs to be considered for a long time, and the best way to do that is little by little across the span of a few years.

Small buffs and nerfs where outright needed, and adjusting via a patch once a month or two until something close to balance is achieved.

There’s really no other formula. This game is getting closer to balance but is still somewhat far from it.


subject? ______ _____

Forget the balance does not exist when you have 22 or 23 or how many civs (not equal) for 4 different game modes and 1v1 and team game

The balance here can only be understood as nerfing the op build of the moment that you find in ranked and that’s it

Inca houses can increase the limit, but there is no need to reduce the price.

What the Incas really need is a reliable means to counter the artillery.

The Swedes need to weaken the combination of age2 long halberds+Irish brigades, which is almost unable to resist now.


The inca need huaracas range increased, nerf it all you want vs infantry with negative multipliers but the range needs to be like 26 in fortress. You can’t have your only anti-artillery unit be out ranged and countered by falconets. The huaraca needs to be more arrow knight like.


Well well well. For all of the naysayers, looks like I was completely right yet again: I’ve said Lakota is sleeper OP, India is OP, Sweden is still OP, and China is still OP. Each need small buffs with India needing the most. And that Ports, Russia, Inca, and Malta are slightly underpowered - with each needing small buffs.


In fact I don’t think this winrate table can refer balance too much due to including low elo that most people still don’t know what is concept to play but only know OP civs booming. As they are still sending 700w or 4 torps something like these to try to boom as possible but not to defending a hard rush, means in their mind 700w is able to defend toma/Jan/spearman rush without any defensive but only 1 TC, and this is still being counted in the table.

How many people would consider Otto < Haude & Az, while Otto can have almost same rush timing but stronger Jan +abus, much stronger FF at 6 min + spahi + 2 falcs.


Random colored table from excel with no labels doesn’t count as evidence.