Malta comanderies useles

malta crossbow are only exceptional after you get a few cards for HP upgrade and steel bolts and also their combat cards

In a rough and quick age 2 fight, the longbows wins

  1. German Tongue costs a card and a prohibitively expensive wood cost. In a game with players that know what they are doing, you’re not going to send German Tongue.

  2. Nobody reasonably good is teleporting units. It’s a worthless ability, especially because you have to build a Commandery where you want to teleport ahead of time and the cooldown on the teleport is so long you can’t come back (say if defending against a raid), AND the commandery has a limit on how many units it can hold. By the time you get it all set up you’re dead.

  3. They would have been better if they provided 30 pop like in the past.

  4. I don’t want to spend the resources to make a commandery when I can make a hospital and win the game much easier. In more advanced games by the time I even get my first 5 hussars out, the enemy is going to have at least 10 Ashigarus or something.

  5. There’s no reason to send order longbows, oprichnicks, cuirassier, or lancers. Costs a card and is too expensive (wood!) and those units have major drawbacks. The units themselves are also expensive, and the Maltese economy is a piece. The only ones worth a damn are caçadores and settler wagons (if you don’t die producing them).

  6. +10% stat units is awesome, but not when the economy can’t handle it, and when there’s no cards to supplement those units. An Age II French player making 5 Hussars and sending 3 combined with their sweet economy will wipe the floor with 5 +10% Order Hussars.


I have never seen lto use longbow with Malta. Longbow ir Amy other unit unlocked un commanderies. The only one was the wagon.

Give the commandaries a 0.5 wood trickle? Helps with the late game eco while not changing much to the early game and helps get enough wood for further commandries.

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I had thought that they could increase their damage when avancing Age.

i have been hit in the face with it a couple of times, its a thing for malta mirrors mostly since you get map control with a big mass early and combined with sentinels makes a for a tough forward for the other malta player to break which then can be pushed or cannoned

  • Commanderies should be able to decently boost their stats like a normal defensive structure. If not automatically upgrading with age, at least allow players to research technology or use cards.

  • If not speeding up the cooldown, then at least make some cards which can ship a commandery wagon to also give allies a wagon as well, and allow teleportation to be between allies. Maybe the non-Maltese commanderies can act as normal stable.

  • Apart from hussars and dragoons, the only really useful ones are the settler wagons and the cassadors. The former brings late-stage economy, and the latter plays the role of the missing skirmishers, but it does bring a little more burden to the early-stage economy.

  • On the other hand, Maltese crossbowmen are good enough that they usually don’t need longbowmen, and besides, they don’t need that many kinds of cavalry, especially oprichnicks. Russia did not have the tongue of the Order, but the Italian Tongue was lacking.

  • The original Italian Tongue design was scrapped. In addition to ship a commandery wagon, I think it could be remade to ship 1 Galleass (up to 1 at docks) and have commanderies slightly strengthen nearby docks or ships, or to ship 1 architect (up to 5 at commanderies).

They’re like a mini-fort.

Also there’s a few cards that upgrade them, the resource gathing aura and the order unit discount effectively giving you extra 2-5 royal guard units without having to pay for upgrades.

What they’re trying to simulate with the teleporting is calling on reinforcements from your holdings in other countries. Instead of teleporting between Commanderies, garrisoning in a Commandery could put the units in holding at the home city. Then you could ship the units back like how it’s done at the Basilica. That would let you make use of the feature even with just one Commandery and it wouldn’t need any special cooldowns since it would take time to ship.

so some combination of basilica and the incan kallanka? cause I assume you must take them out of the pop pool otherwise there is no point to make it a shipment since a big benefit of a shipment is overpoping

U do need the transport cap then to be pretty low (maybe 5 - 10) otherwise it will be exploited by mass overpop

Yes, i think that commandery mechanic is cool. But what i say is that actually commandery quality/price isnt worth.

Yeah pretty much. I’m not really sure about reducing the population though. It would make sense thematically, but it could get OP really quickly. Kallankas only do -1 population per unit so Commanderies could be the same. You could maybe do something like a base storage capacity of 10 and then give +5 space for every Commandery built.

Meanwhile Oranos passages in AoM


Perhaps a discount on the tongue cards for every other tongue card sent, perhaps 200 wood or 150 wood.

Shouldn’t be too absurd I mean even if you sent them who would have longbowmen caccadore and Crossbowmen, a bit superfluous don’t you think.

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In my opinion, the Order Hussar is not bad in nature so Maltese hardly need French and Spanish cavalry.

  • The Italian tongue I stated is assumed to be in the Commerce Age.
  • The units provided by French Tongue in the Industrial Age could be changed to Grenadiers named Order Garde (or Old Guard) with launchers.
  • The units provided by Spanish Tongue in the Fortress Age could be changed to Rodelero named Order Espadachin.
  • The Russian Tongue should be renamed to something like “Russian Support” or “Tsar’s Help”, but remains as a tongue card. In addition, this card could no longer provide military units, but greatly enhance the commanderies’s HP and attack, and provide improvements for cavalry units, after all, Maltese does not have any cards to improve cavalry.

It also has more life than a normal hussar, if from +3 damage it is a 15% upgrade so in a nutshell it’s like having 2 cavalry expeditions in 2 ages already developed, the cost is almost right, if you reduce the cost like a normal hussar statistics must also be like a normal hussar.