Wam mentions that his expectation when playing aoe4 is to use units and not for siege to be the main character, to the point of suggesting that it be removed from the game.
clip wam https://acortar.link/AuDukr
In the Reddit poll most agree on a change to the mangonel or springlad
Do springalds or mangonels need to be changed? (poll)
Beasty mentions that the mangonel is needed to deal with the mass of ranged units, so: simply move the mangonel’s base damage to its bonus against ranged units
exact minute https://youtu.be/UeqicP_SptY?si=yN4dRNqEVn7yq4F7&t=449
Maybe you had the premise that a strong mangonel against all units ends games, well now it’s clear that’s not true
Changes to siege from the previous patch
In the previous patch the springald’s defense was reduced to 10 I think a similar change is what the mangonel needs
Move half of the mangonel’s base damage to its bonus against ranged units and its ranged defense reduced to 7 or 9
In the same way, the springald will need 2 shots to destroy the mangonel
Castle age archers have 7 damage, so they will only do 2 damage with the two smithy upgrades (or 1 damage if ranged armor is 9)
Crossbowmen will do 5 damage to it as they have 12 base damage, they only have 5 attack range so it won’t be a counter to the mangonel, but it will discourage its spam
An example of ten crossbowmen against a spingarda will destroy it in three attacks (it would be a similar battle against the mangonel)
Here all ranged units from the castle age but keep in mind that they have half the range of the mangonel
Its counterpart Nest of Bees
Reduces its base damage and gives it a damage bonus against ranged units. 8 bursts x 8 base damage - 64 attack, it’s an abuse (personally I think that this unit is a consolation prize for the Chinese main because of its low winrate but it’s a broken unit)
Therefore the mangonel and Nest of Bees are less effective against melee attack units and it will not be necessary, to deal with it, the springald spam
For the other siege units, their function is to destroy walls and buildings, therefore they transfer the great majority of base damage to their bonus against buildings
and therefore it will not be necessary, to deal with it, the springald spam
Remove the ability of springald to pass through enemy units and forests (the only acceptable thing is that he passes through palisades, nothing more)
remove this ability and it will discourage the springald spam (this ability is not necessary, remember that the hp of the siege is already very low)
It seems that only Handcannoneer is the main reason to have a strong mangonel, decreasing its ranged defense will obviously make it very vulnerable to Handcannoneer.
First I wonder what was the reason and purpose of this unit to have 35 damage, is it because the siege defense is 30?
If Handcannoneer is a big problem then nerf it, reduce its attack range to 3 and any other nerf you can think of and that way we solve all this
Without those changes I don’t think just a pop increase would make the difference, if you only increase pop the siege will continue to be the protagonist, there will simply be less units to attack with