[MAP] Forgotten Civilizations of America and Africa (approximately)

Very much agree. While it would not hurt to add perhaps a few more civs into AoE2, it has to make sense in the medieval context that AoE2 incorporates.

Many of the civs the OP suggests could be or should be included in AoE2 are more suited for the Ancient World that AoE1 covers, or the Early Modern Era that AoE2 covers, based on historical timeline accuracies.

While the time period of 500 AD-1500 AD is considered by most historical scholars to be the actual “medieval ages” roughly speaking…there were some civilizations that had their own “medieval age” slightly before and slightly after that time period. For instance: the Mayan civilizations, which are represented in AoE2, technically had begun their Meso-American medieval age before the year 500 AD. Also: the Japanese samurai society which was VERY medievalist, did not end until the 1850s, when U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry forced the Tokugawa Shogunate to open their trade to the rest of the world, and forcibly put Japan kicking and screaming into the Early Modern era.

That said, even if we were to put forth some reasonable claims that some other African or Native American (Northern American or Southern American) peoples can have their own civs included…there is not enough architectural style to really justify their inclusion. And the simple reason is because many African and American peoples were primitive stone age peoples, and were mostly hunter-gathered societies (some had basic farming techniques developed, but not to the sophistication of the Incas, the Azteca, and the Mayan peoples, or the Malians and the Ethiopians.

Adding the Inuit/Eskimo peoples for instance in AoE2 would not work, because their “architecture” were literally igloos, or huts made of ice.


Major concern I see in regards to most of these is the lack of knowledge we have on them.what language did they speak who are the leaders did they even build anything of a wonder capacity were they even unified at some point.

Unlike the indian subcontinent which has all of these and had interactions with current civis its difficult to put some of these in aoe.

Can you also make map versions for Asia and Austronesian? I guess there are still remaining civs left there as well. Great maps :slight_smile:

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The Toltecs would no longer be represented by the Maya or at least geographically represented by the Aztecs?..In addition,the Iroquois although some sources cite its existence in 1142,the Iroquois Confederacy was founded between 1450 and 1580 and became a great power in the seventeenth century,ending in 1775 with the beginning of the American Revolution,that is why they appear in AoE 3.

I think the same…we would have to focus on fully medieval empires or kingdoms and not get out of it.

Yes,but it is generally taken as medieval period,the period from 500 to 1500 AD…although of course this varies according to the area or region we are talking about,such as the Asian nations or the African peoples that remained medieval civilizations until the end of the nineteenth century…