Map loading times are sometimes too long, pls fix!

Map loading times are sometimes too long, e.g. Sacred Springs in the current tg mappool.

People think the game crashed and just quit.

It doesn’t help, that the game used and still crashes a lot at the same point in time.
It doesnt help either, that Windows throws ‘waiting for the program to response, click to close program’ (or similar)

Pls fix!

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How about going rank game and people usually don’t dodge even though the loading game is long

Ok, then tell me how you know that the game didn’t crash?

The game loads super long for certain maps only, which you don’t know about, and Windows throws ‘program not responding’!?

I admit that windows throws ‘program not responding’ every now and then but just wait and be cool then it can loaded into the game. I encounter a case that the game stuck in the loading screen forever last year but they fix this in the recently patch. Normally the game just close crash and close immediately if your PC does not have enought ram

wtf you even talk about, it’s not about me, it’s about other people killing the app bc they think game is gg

How about going rank game and people usually don’t dodge even though the loading game is long. There are toxic player everywhere peope just dodge and you cannot prevent it

is too much for me11
i wait for next patch

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