Hello AoE2ers,
here is a List of balance issues i would like to see adressed in future updates:
Steppe lancers:
Steppe lancers used to be extremely strong, but since the last time they got nerfed, they hardly see any use in high elo competetive games at all.
The reason for that i see in them not having any clear identity. As a late game raiding unit, players prefer light cav for costing no gold, as an unit to make an army of, players prefer knights for performing way more cost efficiently. For fighting cavalry, players prefer camels because of the bonus damage. For fighting monks, players prefer Light cav because of the conversion resistance.
The one thing that steppe lancers are better at, than other cavalry is sniping single important siege units, but even for that, most pros will just use other cavalry instead because they are more versatile and can be used for other applications afterwards and because they perform almost as good as steppe lancers at it anyway.
So my suggestion to make the steppe lancer more viable would be to buff them in the role of siege sniping unit without making them notably stronger in other applications, so that its worth it to produce steppe lancers specifically for that role.
This could be done by giving them an attack bonus vs siege units and increasing their movement speed to match that of light cav.
Additionally you could increase their base damage while nerfing their attack rate, so they get stronger at sniping other important units like vils or monks without making them stronger in battles.
The spearman line sees plenty of play in all ages of the game, the militia line is different:
Militia and Men at arms see plenty of use in dark/feudal age and Champions see plenty of play as well as a general-purpose-trash-unit-counter. Longswords and two handed swordsmen however see hardly any play at all in high elo competetive games outside goths.
Now this is curious considering berserks, samurai and shotel do at least see some play despite all performing less cost efficient than their respective civ’s longswords.
(japanese longswords beat samurai with equal resources, viking longswords beat berserks with equal resources, longswords beat shotel, woad raiders and karambit with equal resources)
Before Supplies longswords used to lose vs those units but since supplises longswords still havent become viable. The reason for that i see in Longswords being too expensive and slow to tech into. And supplies didnt help that aspect of them.
they need 9 techs: m@a-tech, longsword-tech, squires, supplies, arson, 4 blacksmith upgrades that cost a total of 1370food + 475 gold (so comparable to the cost of clicking up to imperial age) for getting a unit that is hardly stronger than knights at anything. (with supplies they beat knights with equal resources in small scale battles but still lose to them with equal resources in large scale battles)
Therefore my suggestion to making longswords (and two handed swordsmen) more viable would be making those techs cheaper and faster to research. Specifically arson and supplies as to not indirectly buff goths too much.
My suggestion would be
Arson: 150F50G->100F
Supplies: 150F100G->100F50G
Squires: 100F->75F
Chain Mail Armor: 200F100G->165F100G
but that is completely up for debate.
Now to me the Coustillier Unit seemed ridiculously OP because none of the units that supposedly counter it (cavalry archers, pikes?, monks?, camels?) perform cost effectively against it if you engage an equal cost army of coustillier only while their attack is charged up and disengage afterwards to recharge and heal them. And i thought they were broken if there isnt at least 1 unit that counters them significantly and not in the way that cavalry archers counter them where you are only able to take good trades agaisnt them with significant number advantage. However all the pros ive talked to about it said, burgundians werent op even accounting for their unique unit. many even said its a relatively weak civ because of their weak eco.
So i guess we’ll just have to watch how they develop and maybe they are balanced after all.
Sicillians seem pretty balanced to me all things considered.
Hand Cannoneers:
In my opinion, before the last gunpowder targeting(?) change, hand cannoneers used to be too weak compared to arbalesters. Since then i havent used them enough to tell for sure how balanced they are, but i would like to hear your opinions on them.