Market resource trading (buy/sell), gold trickle from artifacts, gold in general

I think this is a fundamental aspect to age of empire games and would be an awesome contribution to AoE DE.

Currently the only gold generation in the game is tradeboats requiring water maps.

Market trading.
Land maps in Age I have NONE of the gold generating revenues in II like relics or tradecarts (onland) nor market trading. It makes Age I games quickly stagenate into later games when the already (comparison to other titles) diminished resource access of gold mines is depleted.

Gold trickle generation from monuments/relics.
You could also tradecarts to land but meh idea probably hurt the feeling of Age I too much but perhaps not something like the inclusion of random map generation addition of relics generating gold trickle under player control either static monuments or the moveable carts.

Perhaps gold generation doesn’t need to be addressed at all and the game is in longevity, fun, and balance as is. Just some suggestions.

Ya, all the gold generation methods from aoe2 should be included. The ancient world was deep in commerce and finance.

The mostly finite, and therefore extremely valuable, gold in aoe1 is part of the charm. It really becomes a hard battle for resources that even aoe2 can’t match. So I don’t think we should change that. AoE1 revels in it’s limited resources, if we start to change stuff like that it just becomes a poor mans aoe2 instead.

That said I do agree we should have land trade. Just so the trading mechanic is compatible with every map type. It doesn’t need to be as effective as the water trade, but I think the option should be there. We also need to balance no-gold units better, because right now the CA is better than everything else the moment gold is depleted - a iron age upgrade for axeman/Bowman/scout or something like that should be considered I think.

That’s all fine and dandy back when we where playing with 50pop limit without formations and building queues. They’re keeping classic mode for ultimate member berries so no worries there mate. Personally I would pay to play AOE2 that had the art of AOE1 imported into it. It’s just a superior game. Heck I’d play AOE3 downported to the 2D engine of AOE2. It was a golden era, the pinnacle of 2D.

@RogueKoala67375 said:
That’s all fine and dandy back when we where playing with 50pop limit without formations and building queues. They’re keeping classic mode for ultimate member berries so no worries there mate. Personally I would pay to play AOE2 that had the art of AOE1 imported into it. It’s just a superior game. Heck I’d play AOE3 downported to the 2D engine of AOE2. It was a golden era, the pinnacle of 2D.

Actually, multiplayer has always been played on a 200 pop limit since back in the day. And contrary to what some people may believe, running out of gold is actually quite rare. It happens maybe once every 30 games. Ususally the game ends long before all the gold in the map runs out. I support land trading though. It would maike sense as sea trading is already a thing. You don’t even need seperate trade carts for this, they could just make it so normal villagers can get gold from other players’ markets.

I would also like land trade, but I don’t think other gold sources should be added. Gold rarely runs out on 1v1 matches. It usually only happens in big team games, where trade would be a possibility.

Actually, multiplayer has always been played on a 200 pop limit since back in the day. And contrary to what some people may believe, running out of gold is actually quite rare. It happens maybe once every 30 games. Ususally the game ends long before all the gold in the map runs out. I support land trading though. It would maike sense as sea trading is already a thing. You don’t even need seperate trade carts for this, they could just make it so normal villagers can get gold from other players’ markets.

Really? huh… I see Wikipedia and heavengames confirms. I guess I was only ever a single player back in my RoR days.
I kinda like your idea of villagers being able to be merchants. I always felt the carts where a bit cumbersome and I thought it would make sense to still have a pack animal, but with sacks and bundles on their backs. Maybe a few civs could upgrade to carts but I think maybe the villagers is a better idea. Building trade outposts would be cool and then when raiders come to trash it the merchants themselves garrison inside and fire arrows. Or maybe a bit of both, villies could trade but a dedicated merchant would be more efficient but they wouldn’t be able to defend and repair markets so you’d have to make a decision on how to allocate.