Matchmaking leavers need extra penalty

I think we could have just one single elo and then + X or - X for individual game modes (Single/TG/EW…)
And then also +/- Y for individual Maps.
This could solve the issue of the need for individual elos for the different modes and/or maps as with this system every match would still go into the overall elo and therefore have influence on other game modes aswell, just not to a full extend.

Just need a calculation method for that.

And it’s probably still better to separate TG and single player cause it could make TGs too competitive and therefore toxic.

Maybe a hybrid system of infinite bans + limited bans could work. Infinite bans for the most popular maps Arabia, Arena, Nomad, Black Forest (but you must pick at least one), then the rest of the map pool has the typical ban limits.


I think using the loss of elo as a penalty is just beyond stupid, elo is meant to accurately display how good you are, by removing elo for dodging or giving it to the people who were dodged, you are just making the game less balanced for everyone


Ok, I am new here, and you’re right I have not gone back and read through the forums history of threads. What I have done, is been on the Steam AoE2 DE forums since the game was released, and have heard similar complaints and arguments similar to yours. So your immediate assumption that I am either hopelessly lost or disingenuous is, in and of itself, hopelessly disingenuous and lost. But I forgive you.

So let me address the actual content of your argument.

the current iteration of unranked lobbies does not allow for balanced games, and therefore it is NOT an alternative to more bans or some form of ranked lobbies

Yes, it does. When you host an unranked lobby, you have the power, as the host, to dictate who is or isn’t allowed in your game. Now, I acknowledge that as of late, it has become more difficult to create balanced team games in the unranked lobbies when there is no longer any form of ELO to indicate how experienced the player is or an to serve as a reference. I personally think that the amount of hours the player has played the game should be displayed where their ranked stats pop up when you hover over their icon. It’s even more difficult to balance a game when the player has no games on their record. So I agree that some form of “ranked lobbies” would be a great step into addressing need to have an ability to filter out undesirable players that ruin games for others. AND single map players that dodge whenever they get something they don’t like.