MegaThread: Roadmap & Things that should be implemented

I agree, there should be no mods, visual or otherwise, allowed in competitive play. Many Age 2 streams are uglier than hell becuase of box trees, flat textured terrain, range circles, etc. But at least everyone was allowed to do it so not a pure advantage, but still seemed weird to allow that kind of thing in Ranked play. But thats my opinion.

As for low graphics, thats in any competitive game where the graphics affect performance and frames. I see it in SC2 as well as Age 2, 3, and AoM. Successful streamers less so bc they have the money to buy top tier systems, but I digress.

In any case the look of the game is not going to deteriorate just because the camera is another 20% up, especially since most players are not going to keep the camera at max height all the time, they’ll zoom out when they need to, and zoom in when they need to.

But that’s devs fault if game is not well optimized, today standards are to produce the a lot of skins and DLC, sounds packs etc instead of optimizing their game, in the past believe that games were finished when they released, even age2 was finished, now games are sold in pieces…

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  1. Zoom Out is a showstopper. For a 2021 game, it is shameful and ruins the game play. I don’t want to see the pixels on my unit, I want to see the GAME and more than 3 buildings. The argument that lets make it fair for all and penalize most of players who have good hardware spec is MORONIC

  2. Scale of the game. Pop limit and Map size are 2 steps backwards for AoE series after AoE2-DE set the high bar and now with AoE4 we are back to AoE1 in terms of scale.

Example: 500 pop limit for 1x1 games = 1000 total units. Do Devs consider this something that is too much to ask in 2021 when AoE-DE gave it to us few years ago? Back to 200? Really? AoE is not just for tournaments. Far greater people play it in a higher scale over longer time and it is a sin just to cater to competition play, Shame on whoever is advising Devs for such horrible decisions.

MAKE THE GAME FOR EVERYONE. Give players the option and let them choose the camera height, pop limit, and map size, STOP setting arbitrary limits and try to guess what the right average number is. People are not dumb, they can figure out the right setting for their PC if you give them the levers to adjust the settings.


When I see the list of many obvious problems I ask myself what exactly did the closed beta tester the last months?

This all have to be in the forum for months!


Due to NDA these points were made in the closed beta forum, I brought them up again in the open beta forum and finally transferred them here after the open beta.

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I think this game has been very well optimized. Even closed beta testers mentioned that performance improved between the closed and open betas. I personally ran into very few bugs, and no crashes, and was getting great framerates with a CPU lower than minimum specs, and a graphics card thats pretty damn old. Unfortunately this meant my graphics were locked to low so I didn’t get to fully test the graphics, but the game ran near perfectly The stress test was a great experience, and I don’t get the feeling that the game is “unfinished,” maybe “unpolished” could be used here.



  • Allow spectators to see the in-game chat

Not including Queue Dodging Timeout/Penalties since we don’t know if there is any system in place for that.

Is there any confirmation that it will not be possible to increase population limit in custom games?

TLDR: Please add what was already there previously in the series or has become standard in other games of the genre in the past 20 years…and add all that post launch AFTER we gave you our money.

Good idea to combine all general requests into one threat, but at this point all this seems so naive.
The changes (or lack thereof) in between closed and open beta (“stRreSs tEsT”) should’ve shown you what they think of your feedback and suggestions.


They should shift the release date to 28.10.2022.
They are too many not polished things in this game and also bugs like bad movement AI.

No brainer. I absolutely agree!
There are too many basic rts problems in this game like hardly clickable units and items, hard to recognize icons in the build menu, partly bad movement AI and many more things.


Do you really think they should suddenly shift the release date 8 days before launch? Really? I’m sure that would go over super well.

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Yes, and to go online with a broken game will also go over super well. In the past you will find enough games where it goes over super well. Just because option A is bad doesn’t mean that option B is good. Both options are bad, but when they shift the release date they have a real chance to create a really good game and at the end that is what matters, isn’t it?

No it isn’t fine and it is not the same as AOE 3.


And that rule set has to be changed, so everyone has the option to play on another same level that is enjoyable.

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having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.


Exactly. When units are not clickable and don’t move like they have to move this game is not playable. That counts double for e-sport.

So yes, it is broken.

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Will revisit the list and check if anything has changed since the betas post-launch.
One thing I could see is the player information on the right is now visible:

  • Add a permanently visible info in the corner displaying player names, faction, player number and current age

It is still missing faction and player number but it’s a start.

It also seems that they reverted not being able to shoot over walls and removed ranged melee attack.

Hmm it seems that my OP is now so old that I can’t make edits anymore…
That’s a bummer. Thinking about reposting it.

Don’t forget to give men to sige units or to allowmilitaryunitsto do the job. XD