Which are you more excited to see, the Danes or the Poles
Me on Act 1: Blood: PIRATES! as soon as I’ve massed up an army:
Streltsy in a large mass
Streltsy when there’s an equal number of musketeers
I have a few new ones…
Ok, the explorer one has to be one of the most messed up edits I’ve made in forever
Weird that it got moved here, It’s the most ON-TOPIC thread ever sjjsjsj
Mods! If anyone sees this, please move it to the discussion page!
@EliteRiflemann brought me here, hope he can help
In top of default Indian monks🐅
In reality, the Ottomans encouraged the colonization of the Balkans and North Africa through the Yoruks, which is why they are free Settlers…
Mentioning slavery in Ottoman Empire: I sleep
Mentioning slavery in North America: real ####
I’m not crying, you are.
I’ve a follow up:
Some people think they can just preach “knowledge” on all fronts by declaring their ELO score…
I’m people We’ve all been there folks.
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
EHHH, Isn’t Julian largely considered 1 of the best players? And he started in treaty, generally speaking if you are super high in 1 game mode you are probably not bad in the other.