[MERGED] Game Graphics Feedback

Hmm… idk I don’t feel very optimistic about this.

What he said seemed a bit like dmg control PR to me.

Notice how he said that a few people think they game should be like this “in their heads” basically. The natural evolution in graphics is not just in “our heads”

I’m thinking the style will still be cartoonish with a few tweaks to weapon size and building scale just to say they “heard” the community.

I don’t see them improving all the low textures and animations without some sort of delay.

I hope I am just talking out of my a$$

Most people actually don’t care as much about textures, they are worried more about proportions and unit details. I doubt that microsoft will delay the game after the interview

I’m a bit uncertain about this.

A lot of people are criticizing the cartoony feel of the game.

And that feel mostly comes from goofy animations first and maybe flat textures second.
And these take time to adress.

Even if you tweak the proportions it can still look flat/cartoony. I mean, look at the leaves in the trees, they are simply a flat color with zero detail. Makes it look like paper, even from afar.


And alot of people aren’t criticizing it. The graphics likes/dislikes poll, textures/colors aren’t one of the top ones on the list, animations I would’ve thought would be a top one but they aren’t exactly. Cavalry animation and movement is a top dislike though

Weird, unit textures were mostly disliked last time I saw.
At least here is showing 52% dislike for unit details.

I just checked a few hours ago and they were like slightly above the middle of the list, less than 25% I think (most after the top 5 or so are below 30%)

Yes, XO19 didn’t have bad unit details imo, could they have been better? Sure, the whole thing could be BETTER, but they were much better than the fan preview. Hopefully they have addressed this as well since the fan previews filming

You are right. This Is a big percent. Adam Isgreen said that they’re improving graphic and polishing. We’ll see.

I’m not a programmer so i ask here:
Polisihing Means “textures improvements”?

That’s the main point. We are asking for AoE4 to be slightly on the realistic side instead of leaning to the Cartoonish side of graphics.

Like the last 3 iterations did.

No need for Crysis 4 graphics, but c’mon…

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Polishing generally means touching everything that is still rough, doesn’t feel smooth and should be iterated upon for the final game. How far that will go, we shall see. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks. But this process could request tro developers to add some details?

More detailed textures could give a more realistic feelings, imho.

Imho, we need to see how the game is right now.

If that video is months old and things have changed, give us some new pics and footage or else we’ll be just wasting our time debating something that might not even be there anymore.


Quoting these parts

at roughly the 26 minute mark Adam confirms that the footage of giant arrows was months old, and confirms they have since tweaked the size to be smaller and fixed the arrows arc pathing.

New info on other campaigns and areas of the game that haven’t been shown in depth such as naval will be released over time towards launch.

Not thinking about any AoE on consoles.

Towards the end they mention they are still in the stage of polishing visuals and that this is the final stage. Adam foresee’s tweaking right up until launch and also after launch to polish and continue to improve, they mention that AoE 2 and 3 have over a decade of polish and so envision a similar situation where the IP is not abandoned after it launches. He wants AoE4 to be able to run on any PC from high spec’d to potato so I imagine we will see a very large degree of graphical range in terms of texture and model polycounts.

On the question of if they’re catering more to casual or pro players, Adam says they’ve split the unit balance into campaign and multiplayer versions, so units on singleplayer campaigns will have different balance and relationships agianst unit types compared to multiplayer.

And another guy
"The gameplay presentation was actually “months old”, we’re not making any concessions with our choices, graphics are the way they are due to “colorful, inviting world”, scaling is how it is because readability is paramount, but we’ve, on our own terms, changed the arrows even before showing this to you. Also, the conversation with the playerbase begins after lunch (which I interpret as he’s taking it upon himself if the game fails due to community concerns that aren’t able to be addressed after launch).

Lots of corporate PR and upbeat feelings. Nothing about the lacklustre animations. He knows about Age of Mythology. Relic are great and they like to tie their shoelaces (apparently meaning they always like to do extensive documenting when making games) and they love and respect the franchise and what makes it tick. Campaign and multiplayer/skirmish have different balance teams. The game is very readable for Adam Isgreen when spectating pros, both for builds and micro. In short, they take full responsibility for any concessions they’ve made with the graphics and unit scaling. People can use mods if they want to change the scaling, but he doesn’t want to turn it into a “game for ants”. Game might not have workshop support, but mod tools will be released for sure after launch. Also the game is intended to work on most computers with the right settings.

AoE2DE is getting additional civs with the next expansion, as well as campaigns, and these will continue as long as people “play” (buy?) the game, and will not stop after 4 is out. Americans are amazing in AoE3DE and they managed to bring the original voice actor from AoE3.".

So, Building sizes Will not change?


I’m so sorry, all I can see is this. I know it’s just a misspell and I’m not insulting, I just thought it was the funniest thing

I’m literally dying rn. We gotta wait until he’s finished with his lunch, GIVE HIM A MINUTE PEOPLE


God… I hope they just make a DE for AoM.
I hope I don’t live to see an Age of “Mobileogy” 2

Did he literally say that?
If so then you can forget about decent graphics. Age of Cardboard it is then.

I really didn’t understand what this guy said.

It’s not my summary. I’m quoting that guy. I can’t understand all what Adam Isgreen said during the Podcast. I Need english sub for this.

I don’t believe that lol, so you think you are going to reveal the game play to the world knowing that stuff ? Of course not, what you see in the video is the last work in progress, now they are running to change it as soon as possible…

People still believe in publishers in 2021… lol

Adam is a good guy and cares deeply about this franchise. We are in good hands.


So is decided:

“The gameplay presentation was actually “months old”, we’re not making any concessions with our choices, graphics are the way they are due to “colorful, inviting world”, scaling is how it is because readability is paramount, but we’ve, on our own terms”

they are not going to change anything with graphics they think cartoon is the best choise… leaving this forums it was a pleasure but this game is for 6 years old and I can’t stand this art style with mobile look.

“colorful, inviting world”, Is funny, I see this as the contray “colorful, detering world”,

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