Message to Dev: upgrade the Elephant's fight animations

Just a simple message to the dev: change the elephants attack animation to something more dynamic.
Whenever they attack a building or some units they look like they are not even attacking…

Make it the same as in the older games.



This. The soft sway it currently does for an attack is almost indistinguishable from its idle animation. Also, for some reason there is a massive wind up time too. What exactly is the purpose of this? Get rid of it.

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Windup is a part of balancing an attack, the same as cooldown (the other side of it), basically. Where damage occurs during an attack is an key part of balancing overall DPS.

EDIT - not saying it couldn’t be reduced. Just saying that “get rid of it” will have balance implications. Maybe they could do with the buff.

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You’re taking me too literally. The windup is thoroughly, obnoxiously long. The unit isn’t made to kite, like say a Horse Archer is. The wind up absolutely does not to be that long. Balance aside, it simply feels bad, much like the recently removed Siege micro-unpack for things like Mangonels, Bombards and Springalds.

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They didn’t remove unpacking from Mangonels and Bombards…

Packing up was not removed. Micro-unpack refers to a small unpacking delay that happened with most siege units prior to this patch.

Yes, you still need to do it with Mangos and Bombards. Only the units that don’t pack and unpack are now instant, so Springalds, Culverins, Canons, Nest of Bees.

You’re failing to understand the distinction I’m laying out. Micro-unpack and regular packing/unpacking are different things. You probably didn’t notice that there was such a thing as micro-unpacking prior to the patch. But, there was.

All siege engines that pack and unpack (to an actual packed form) were completely untouched by the latest patch.

Wheeled Siege units no longer pack and unpack. This includes the Springald, Nest of Bees, Culverin, Ribauldequin, and Cannon. These units can now find and attack targets automatically while they are idle and should feel far more responsive when attempting to move and shoot.”

In conclusion, Mangos and Bombards didn’t lose the “micro-unpack”. Not that it matters, but I actually play the game, and you keep insisting that they’ve changed. They haven’t.

It seems you’re ignoring what I am saying. I’ll say for the last time that there was a micro-unpacking stutter to almost all siege in the game prior to the patch. Sorry if you hadn’t noticed, but it was there.

Are you talking about Springalds stuttering while chasing units? It’s either this or siege having to set up before shooting. Otherwise I have no clue what you mean by “micro-unpack”, so I’ll leave you to believe what you want to believe. All I know is Mangonels and Bombards always had long setup times, and they haven’t been touched this patch.