Mexicans' Revolts cosmetic issues

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 100.13.58326.0
  • GAME PLATFORM: Microsoft Store
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

I believe these are all cosmetic only so I hope making one report for all of them is ok.

  • Revolting to Central America is missing all the changes to the Inspiring Flag cosmetics. It does not do a PowerDataOverride to change to deInspiringFlagCentralAmericaData, nor does it SetName and CopyUnitPortraitAndIcon. Not sure if this is intended as the revert tech doesn’t have code for changing it back either.

  • Revolting to Baja California does properly change the Inspiring Flag cosmetics, however it does it a little too well as it remains the Baja California data for the rest of the game unless you revolt to Texas/California.

  • Reverting to Mexico from Baja California does not change the General’s voice lines back to the Mexican General soundsets.

  • Revolting to Central America or Baja California and then revolting to Texas/California does not properly update your General and Padre to the Revolutionary models.

(All other revolts are properly functioning for general/flag cosmetic updates from what I can see.)

While not in-game issues, while I’m here I do have two semi-related issues with trying to mod for immersion:

Could it be possible for the devs to copy+paste the Texas revolt’s flag and assign it a unique file name in politiciandata so we can mod it? It seems that trying to use politidianmods to do nothing but change the file name for it (to avoid also changing the USA’s Federal state) disables online play.

Related to the Baja California sounds issue, I had an idea to use additive sound modding to change the Baja California/California/Texas General’s attack soundset to a modded one that doesn’t use the “For America!” line, I got it to work on a mod file for deGeneral2 without issue, but doing the same thing for deGeneral is not working, is this due to the skinlogic? If this could be officially implemented it could use techlogic for the Statehood cards to re-enable the line for Texas and California.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE


:arrow_forward: IMAGES

Cemtral America flag issues:


Baja California perpetual flag issue:

California/Texas model issue: