Mexico insurgents

Mexico already have an insane position of able to take mid map control for free every game and spawn a barracks on age up. The problem is that now mexico have great pikes, skirms, musks and decent cav all in age 2. Not to mention the amount of unit shipments that most other civs cant keep up.

The issue is a mono resource unit (70f) being way way cheaper than pikeman, can have entire eco on food to “perfectly” macro and can train in batches of 10, combine this with a 10 pike shipment (should be nerfed down to 9) the church techs its almost impossible to push mexico.

Simply put mexico being in mid map forces a response just with the threat of 20 pikes turning up and sieging your only production building. So mexico can use this to there advantage of going for a delayed revolt or timing push while opponent is just sat in base, worried about being hard cleaned if they push out.

I guess what im saying is that age 2 mexico needs turning down after the salteador buff, but this relates mainly to how many pikes can be acquired. shipment turned down, church tech costing some res? having a slower train rate if we are keeping max units of 10 per batch?

I dont think the devs have a desire to nerf the hacienda by removing the shipment points so i guess we will be stuck with undeniable free mid map control for the rest of time

Might do a balance discussion here daily


the church tech relies on the number of houses so effectively you are paying 100 wood per insurgents

nerfing the shipment seems the easiest option

Increasing the cost should also be considered, maybe 75 or just straight 80 cause they are faster and have higher base damage and food is easier to macro for.

an option is just to remove the military shipment points, hacienda can still be a an eco shipment point like torps

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I’d actually nerf the to 50f 20c.

hahahaha you are the best :smiley: @HaRRiiS0N

No need to change insurgente cost to include wood or gold, but increasing food cost is fine to 80 or 85.

My personal opinion, no civ should have skirmisher card at age 2

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