Military units get stuck on attacking buildings, they don't fight enemies

For the 1 millionth time, I am reporting this issue.
As the Devs turned me down in the bug section and said things are working as intended in a previous thread which then got closed.
I got silenced pretty much and the DEVS were happy.

The best example is, archers shooting buildings in fights constantly, even when enemy units are in their range.

You wanna raid enemy villagers? Nope, your knights decide to ONLY attack farms, even when a 15 villagers are RIGHT NEXT to you.

You wanna attackmove with archers, as this is the most reliable way to NOT overkill enemy units?
Ah… there is an outpost.
Archers will get stuck on it, you lost all your units.
GG WP screw this game


Ok 2nd time I agree with you at least a bit. I don’t have an issue with melee units, but I dislike that archers attack buildings too. I mean I can deal with that but it could be better.


3rd time is a charm :joy:
Or something like that…
English is my 2nd language only.

Yeah, it can be somewhere between frustrating and completely game-breaking…
So many times I have lost because my units refuse to fight was is in their face.
Noone is asking for units attacking the countered units, just don’t siege buildings lol

I have reported this multiple times in beta feedback before the game was even released, but nothing has been done about it…
It’s more than disappointing.
One of the reasons why I often become salty in the forums, very honestly.

There is just radiosilence, when the game still until today has a few severe issues and you get no response from anyone official.
All you wanna know, did this information even REACH the right person? Are they fixing it soon?
Did they decide to ignore it?

This uncertaincy mixed with having to wait for years and slowly giving up on the game is not a good way to keep fans in the game…

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If the devs have said that it’s working as intended, on what planet is it a bug?

You can not like it all you want, and that’s fair. But not liking it doesn’t make it a bug, and it doesn’t mean the developers are therefore ignoring bugs. Because you’re literally telling us they said it’s working as intended!


At some point certain micro management is needed, at the end of the day this is a RTS after all.

On the planet of “defenders shouldn’t have an advantage through enemies not being ABLE to use formations or attackmove command in order to avoid crippling their DPS”.
Is that so hard to understand?
Do you watch pro plays?
It happens there all the time as well and it’s not making any sense.
Defending is insane because the enemy always attacks buildings.
The only 3 advantages when defending should be the TC fire, the opportunity to jump units into buildings to protect them and having your production close.
Anything on top of this is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.

This is definitely NOT intended, it’s just extremely lazy coding and not wanting to make the effort to fix it.
Saying it’s working as intended is a very lazy excuse and audacious towards your customer who paid for the product.

If you have 50 archers and you are trying to shoot units under enemy tc, what do you do?
Lineformation and attackmove, rightclick to move closer again and again attackmove, bingo!!!
Otherwise you overkill as incredibly hard, when you rightclick enemy units and DEFINITELY loose the fight against even an army which was smaller than yours.
TC fire and production being close come on top of that.
Not to mention the poor pathing between buildings.

Why do we see so much turtle play? Yes exactly for that reason.

But with attackmove the archers will 95% attack the towncenter or other close buildings and comepletely BREAK the game.

Stop being so ignorant dude for real…

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I partially agree with you.

As @Fyrapan90 says, a bit of management is needed

But, I do think that the attack area of units should be shared. I will explain:

If I have a blob of archers and spears, they both will get stuck on a building, but spears will see a unit and go attack them when they got in range, but archers will keep at the building. With the change, at the moment spears go chase an unit because it’s in range, archers will also go attack if they are in range of the spears.

Definitively: if units share between them their area of attack, then they will act as a mass, instead of as a single unit.

You my friend, aced it!
Couldn’t have explained it better.

Yep but I don’t ever have a strong convintion about.

Idk if this would be too automatised. At the end, better players would use better the army and will get to better ranks.

Well the better player ususally wins by micro, macro and good decisions right?

If you CAN’T micro at the enemy base because you can’t use formations and attackmove, that gives the defender an EXTREMELY unfair advantage.
At a level where a pro would INSANELY abuse the fact that the attacker can’t micro because the game itself is limting the player (not the other way around), it is pretty obvious that something is going wrong in the code.

If you can’t punish a greedy player because the game code is poor, even though you have twice his army size, then sorry man… The game should be uninstalled from the hard drive.

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So, again, this isn’t phrased like a bug. You’re assuming it’s “not intended” / “lazy coding” and whatever else you want.

But eh, I’ve made my point. It’s not a bug, the developers have apparently said so themselves. You’re free to not like it and call for changes, but it’s not something that needs “fixing”.


Hey, try to be less aggressive with your posts please.
Heated discussions are allowed, but please avoid disrespecting others
Respect the opinion of others, in this forum we are all free to express our opinions freely.


I think attack move should ignore units and buildings.

When you press A+click, that click shouldn’t trigger an attack to a building/unit, instead it should ever attack move, no matter if you click on an unit or a building.

No. That makes it impossible for archers to snipe spears. They also would attack for example maa.
Than u have to make a-move units focus other units they are strong against. Like archers focus spears, xbows focus maa and knight etc.

I don’t know, wether or not you mean that buildings and eco/military units should be treated as same priority as a target of an attackmove.
So let’s assume you mean that there should be no (!) attack priority.

Let’s make a comparison of open field vs fighting around buildings:
If anyone after this example still doesn’t understand why units and especially archers should not attack buildings when enemies are in (sight-) range, then that person should better not play ranked mode nor judge people’s opinion and experience of playing that mode.

5 archers (you) vs 5 archers enemy [open field]
You wanna use all archers to shoot one single target, to kill it as quickly as possible in order to lower the enemy’s dps as soon as possible.
You hold shift and right-click his units.
After 3 salves his first unit dies. If you are especially trying hard, you reduce the number of archers which shoot the target for the 3rd shot and let some shoot the next target already, so no overkill happens.

50 vs 50 archers [open field]
You wanna go into line formation and attack-move. That’s what you do on the open field to prevent overkills and get your max dps down while maximizing the enemy’s overkills onto your own archers.
It’s very clear in this case, the player with better micro/mechanics wins.

5archers vs 5archers [enemy got outpost in between of you]
The enemy has 5 archers at his outpost, you have 5 archers.
You as the aggressor are in the disadvantage, but you can at least do something.
In the worst case, the enemy will garrison his 5 archers into the tower and you won’t shoot any of his units a single time, all your 5 archers die. But let’s assume he doesn’t do that.
You can select your 5 archers and rightclick on the enemy units and even use shift-attack.
Your archers may or may not kill some of his units, before getting slaughtered by the arrows from the outpost [arrowslits or other units in there) and/or enemy archers.
Of course, he has the line-of-sight advantage because of the outpost, but let’s just assume you have placed your scout in “hold ground” mode close enough to have vision on his units to shoot them.
50archers vs 50archers [enemy got outpost in between of you]
As in the open field example, you wanna use line formation and attackmove, because you’d overkill HEAVILY by rightclicking with 50 archers on one enemy archer.
Unfortunately many of your archers attack the tower and you lose the fight. Most, if not all enemy archers survive.
You can try selecting the archers in small groups and right-shiftclicking the enemies.
But the enemy does NOT have to do this, he can use lineformation and attack-move.
This problem becomes worse with growing numbers and also numbers of buildings being around in close space.

It becomes even worse when you are near to the (capital) tc, as the enemy can garrison 15 units and the tc blocks a lot of space. If his archers are behind and yours in front, the chance is almost 100% that some of your units start shooting the towncenter, while getting slaughtered by his archers AND towncenter.
Because your units lose track ov enemy units, when this huge building is in between and maybe you don’t even have enough line-of-sight.

The towncenter, keeps, outposts etc are defensive buildings, which offer defensive value in form of garrisoning, high hp/ranged armor and being able to do damage to units.
This advantage should ONLY apply if you actively CHOOSE to attack that said building with military units, which offer low siege power.
But these and regular buildings are not supposed to be bringing up a gigantic micro/mechanical advantage
without any action of the defender needed.
Fact is, the defender is (almost) always in the advantage:
You have your production close to the fight for reinforcements, you have buildings to garrison your fragile units in, some of your buildings damage the enemy units.
And that’s about it. There is no need for more advantages and in fact there SHOULD NOT be.
If the villagers of the defender are idle, because the enemy takes the RISK to fight in his town, despite all the disadvantages of the attack, including the chance of the enemy teching up/building defenses before the attacker can reach his town, then well… It’s a strategy game and idling the enemy’s economy is a viable and NEEDED way to balance the game. It’s the only way to keep heavy boom/turtle/tech civs in check, regarding balance.

Now, with the new patch, since units can be ungarrisoned towards any direction [which is an amazing (!!!) change on it’s own, thank you a LOT for this!!!], the defender’s advantage becomes even more immense.
It is now high time, for the attack-prio to be very cleanly coded for and implented into the game.
Either through the use of a (global) button like “attack units only” or through consistent code, which could be done in different ways.
One of the Devs actually messaged me regarding this (because I reported this as a bug ages ago) and said the DEVs are working on a solution.
Let’s see what they’ll bring up.
I honestly can’t wait for the fix.

One more case where it’s becoming very obvious that the attack-behaviour and target-locking of military units is very much off:
You try to raid enemy villagers which are busy gathering food on farms.
You move your knights/men at arms or whatever units very close to the villagers and then attack-move.
Half of your units will start attacking farms (the building), even though villagers are right next to them.
To make it even worse, enemy spears will auto-target the cavalry units, as there is no other target for them.
The knights/horsemen die under tc/outpost/keep fire, while getting demolished by spearmen.
And they attack the farms…
Meanwhile the villagers have plenty of time to escape.

If you (applies to anyone reading this) have read until here and you still believe it’s working as intended and you “ideally do have to manage your units actively and a little bit of micro is needed in aoe4”, then read this whole post again until you understand it and can grasp what the whole post is about.
Even the last defender of the current code should now understand that the code is massively off and a change is way overdue.
I have already reported these things in the beta feedback.
The game has been released 2.5 years ago.
Now just count, for how long this broken code has been part of the game.

A cleanly implented permanent fix for this severe issue would be very much appreciated.

For the “1 millionth time” this is not a bug.

A bug is not something that just works differently than you’d prefer.

For you my friend, the last part of my last post might be especially interesting.

I’ll quote myself:

“One more case where it’s becoming very obvious that the attack-behaviour and target-locking of military units is very much off:
You try to raid enemy villagers which are busy gathering food on farms.
You move your knights/men at arms or whatever units very close to the villagers and then attack-move.
Half of your units will start attacking farms (the building), even though villagers are right next to them.
To make it even worse, enemy spears will auto-target the cavalry units, as there is no other target for them.
The knights/horsemen die under tc/outpost/keep fire, while getting demolished by spearmen.
And they attack the farms…
Meanwhile the villagers have plenty of time to escape.”

Well, it’s widely known that fighting in home is always easier.

This happened in real life too Battle of Thermopylae.

I don’t dislike the fact that when you walk into the streets of your enemy town, it’s easier for him to defend.

And this:

It’s not true, when you attack move the knights go to the closest target in his way, but when they got in range of an unit they prioritise the unit. Of course, if they kill 3 villagers, and the others villagers are out of his range, they will stay burning the farms.

They doesn’t ignore the buildings and they won’t because it’s the behavior of attack-move command.

What I said, that would make much easier to attack-move in enemy base, is that when you attack-move, it shouldn’t take care of if you click on a building, on an unit, or nothing, because you want to attack-move, if you want to target this building or this unit you would just click right click.

I will summarize as I think is not clear:

  • Attack-move on an unit: the units just attack move, as if you clicked on nothing
  • Attack-move on a building: the units just attack move, as if you clicked on nothing
  • Attack-move on nothing: the regular attack-move
  • Right click on unit/building: focus on that unit/building

Right now, if you attack move and click on an unit, your army would just keep circling the enemy doing nothing trying to reach that unit.

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