The linguistic trunk shared by the many tribes gives a pivot to employ a umbrella semi-civ. So instead of a single tribe name, we can add the other tavas (villages) covering a broader area of southamerica, and therefore added to more maps
Amazonia, Pampas sierras and Gran Chaco
In the context of the distribution area, we have;
Pacific side Chiriguaná
Fought and allied the Incas
Got firearms from the spanish settlers (around 1560), trade metal
Loan words from quechua are used today in the guaraní lexicon from that period; chicha, chakra, mate, kancha, tambo, poncho etc, and in spanish; pucho, morocho, huacho, gaucho, choclo etc
Inland Guaraní
Fought and allied the Spanish
Eventually employ spanish tercio tactics under the direction of the Jesuits (1640), the use of yerba-mate (ka’a) was popularice from that point
Atlantic side Tupinambá
Great confederation of tribes (Tamoios) got firearms from their french settlers allies (1560) to fought the Portuguese
Shared features
Anthropophagic rituals
Alliances by marriage
Pajé (Shaman) thad leads migrations
Chicha made from corn or anana
Constant inter tribal war
Longbows; all of them
Poison arrows; Chiriguaná and Tupinambá
Takape (sharp edge wooden mace); all of them
Stone axe; all of them
Boleadora; Guaraní and Chiriguaná
Age I
Blackwood archer 50 50
(max 12); Archer, good against heavy infantry, bad against cavalry, use takape for melee (the same as original up to here) can hunt and gains poison damage upon technology research
Age II
Hunter with boleadora 60 30
(max 10); ranged infantry can hunt, good at range against cavalry (slow down when hit), good melee (stone axe) against heavy infantry (same model as Inca but without the shield)
Pajé (Shaman) 60 60
(max 1 non hero); monk/iman, heal nearby units, has aura to increase infantry movement speed by 1 (does not stack), can “revive” fallen heroes at 10% their health
Ava (person) Warrior 90 30
(max 10); heavy infantry, shoots musket, sabre for melee, almost strong as janizary, when trained, each subsequent unit is 10 resourses cheaper
Age I
Ruvicha 200
Delivers 1 hero (can have as many as the available TP’s), Shoots musket, takape for melee, have warchief aura that increases infantry attack damage by 10%(does not stack), has the 90s cooldown ability “Fearsome ritual” to insta melee kill a single unit (including enemy hero)
Poison arrows 150
Gives Blackwood archers posion damage (3 damage for 5 seconds)
Age II
Ka’a (yerba mate) plantation 200 ; delivers a Yerba-mate grove, task settlers to gather endless coin from it (faster than mills, slower than mines)
Lingua franca of the south 150
; reveals the location of enemy buildings (300 seconds cooldown)
Marriage alliances 500 ; reduce the cost of settlers 20 %
With this changes it gives you early advantage(I), intel(II), economic push(II) and a good number of decent units (III)