New techs
Mapuche Mantles Textiles (225f, 225c): You bred better livestock and can make the better of their wool.
Effect: Livestock can store 25% more food. Improves ranged resistance of Settlers and melee heavy infantry by 10%.
Why: A sudanese technology makes Cavalry and shock infantry get +10% melee resistance for 250w, 250c. This one improves settlers and infantry resistance by a weaker amount.
Lore: “One of the best-known arts of the Mapuche is their textiles, which were used as clothing, as tool and shelter for the home, as well as a status symbol. By the end of the sixteenth century, the indigenous people had bred sheep with more robust bodies and thicker and longer wool than those imported by the Europeans” Mapuche textiles - Wikipedia ¹// ²
Mapuche Silverwork/Mapuche Silver Finery (200f, 200c): Acknowledgement and alliance with the Mapuche tribes strengths the trade and the wealth between you and them.
New effect: Gives a trickle of 1.00 coin. Increases the coin trickle by .5 for each Mapuche settlement you control.
Why: Coin Stacked? I dunno. But considering Mapuche are on maps where the coin mines are not that abundant and they have technologies focused on coin, I believe this one could be of good use. It’s a cheap tech and it starts gently considering you’re gonna have around 1 settlement anyway.
Lore: “Silverwork is one of the best known aspects of Mapuche material culture. They adopted metallurgy around the Spanish arrival era of the 16th century and during the latter half of the 18th century, Mapuche began to produce large amounts of silver finery”. Mapuche silverwork - Wikipedia ¹
Mapuche Clava Hand Club (300w, 300c):
Effect: Increases the hand damage, base limit and range of Ironwood Clubman and Bolas Rider by 25%, 25% and +1. (Base limit is 8, tech makes it go from 8 to 10). Available on Fortress Age.
Why: Both units are okay and both have special effects (Both Bolas and Clubman has an AOE damage), however they are still sub-optimal when comparing their standard counterparts. Buffing their damage is also an indirect buff due their area of effect.
Lore: “Clava is a traditional stone hand-club used by the Mapuche. It has a long flat body. Its full name is clava mere okewa; in Spanish, it is known as clava cefalomorfa. It has some ritual importance as a special sign of distinction carried by tribal chiefs. Many kinds of clavas are known.” Mapuche - Wikipedia ¹
800 años de antigüedad: Clava mapuche es subastada por $24 millones en París - Duna 89.7 | Duna 89.7 ²