New technologies:
Born navigators: Makes shipments cost a little less experience and arrive a little faster.
Cost: Age 1- 100 of each resource. (The alliance must stand)
The Caribbeans will tell how to get around the dangerous waters of the Caribbean and the island slopes. They will inform you of the hurricane seasons and the appropriate times for navigation.
It’s a nod to a mission from Morgan Black’s campaign.
Expert fishermen: Fishing boats and canoes are cheaper (-15% wood).
Cost: Age 2- 150 food + 150 coins.
(Being island inhabitants, I am surprised that they do not have an economic improvement in the sea)
I only give ideas. The prices of each improvement I leave to someone with more criteria in this regard.
New unit:
’Dugout canoes’: Especially large canoe, more efficient for fishing than other canoes, and also with better attack. Enabled at the dock. (Creation limit of 10)