Cheyenne | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
- Shield Warrior: Imagine a mounted mantlet-type unit with a short ranged attack, with high health. Heavy Cavalry/Siege Trooper.
- Elk Soldier: Honestly could be anything, but I’d imagine just a really good cavalry unit.
- Bowstring Soldier: More plains archer cavalry units is never a bad thing
- Plains Alliance
The Cheyenne rally their allies, calling for aide from either Chief Roman Nose or Chief Pretty Nose . - Chief Pretty Nose
Sends an Arapaho War Party consisting of “X” Cheyenne Dog Soldiers and “Y” Arapaho Cloud Riders. Enables the ability to train Arapaho Cloud Riders and increases the train limit of Native Warriors. - Chief Roman Nose
Chief Roman Nose allows the training of additional Cheyenne Dog Soldiers and unlocks X tech to increase the fighting ability of Cavalry units.
OVERVIEW: Overall a good civ that needs just a few adjustments. I also hope Rider gets a new bonus effect and is swapped by the Tokala Soldier (since this one belongs to Cheyenne and not Lakota).
- Cheyenne Military Society (400w, 400c) : Cheyenne Military Societies will reinforce your army.
New effect: Delivers 1 Cheyenne Rider for every 2 military cards/mercenary cards you have sent so far. From now on: all Military cards and Mercenary cards that deliver military units also deliver 2 Cheyenne Riders.
Why: I see it as a militar reinforcement from their Tribal Council when you call out for help. I just couldn’t think of a good name.
-By “military Home City card” read it as “any Home city cards that come from The Warrior, The Fortress, Military Academy…”.
-By “mercenary unit card”: any paid card that delivers merc units/ native mercs (12 Swiss Pikeman/ 6 Elmeti/12 Tupi Black Wood Archer/ 4 Mamelukes…)
Lore: Cheyenne military societies and the Council of Forty-four are the two central institutions of traditional Cheyenne native American tribal governance. The headmen of military societies are in charge of maintaining discipline within the tribe, overseeing tribal hunts and ceremonies, and providing military leadership. Cheyenne Military Societies.
- Cheyenne Council (200f, 200c, 200w): The influence and guidance of the Council provide resources that were once thought as lost.
New effect: Delivers the shipment (units, wagons, crates) of a random Fortress Age’s politician that belongs to your civilization. Bonus, cards or stats increases are not counted. Available on Fortress Age.
Why: I wanted to praise the authority and secular strength of the Council of 44. Being such a political power they can “pull” a shipment from one of the 5 members from the traditional Tribal Council.
E.g: If you were playing as Lakota it delivers either 800w, 12 bisons, 1000f or 2 Tokala. (“Fast age up politicians” would be counted as nothing).
Lore: Council of Forty-four: Council chiefs are generally older men who command wide respect. Historically, they were responsible for day-to-day matters affecting the tribe as well as the maintenance of peace both within and without the tribe by force of their moral authority. Council of Forty-four -wikipedia
- Cheyenne Reinforcement (200f, 200c): Follow Cheyenne warriors to make cavalry hit harder.
New effect: Heavy cavalry gain +20% siege damage and +10% hand damage. Shock Infantry gain +10% more siege damage and +10% hand damage.
Why: It’s a straightforward bonus for cavalry and raiding.
Lore: Like many other plains Indian nations, the Cheyenne were a horse and warrior people who developed as skilled and powerful mounted warriors Cheyenne - wikipedia
- Cheyenne Fury (350w, 350c): Cheyenne Rider multipliers vs. cavalry +1.5x and vs. shock infantry +1.0x
REWORK: I’d like to see a new design bonus for Cheyenne Rider/Fury because there are far many counters to heavy cavalry who are better than him nowadays. If he had bonus vs ALL CAVALRY/shock cavalry he’d still be a “meh” unit but slightly better. Perhaps being reworked as Lancer unit and retain the bonus vs cavalry too (like Chinacos).
Comanche| Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
- Comanche Trade Language: In addition to the current benefits, African cattle restore their trade rate faster. Rates of the markets and TP are increased by 5%.
- The Lords of the Southern Plains: Comanches repel invasions from foreign invaders and your enemies by making bow cavalry deal more damage to villagers.
New effects: Bow cavalry and ranged shock infantry gain bunu against villagers en +1.0.
Why: It would be a good way to pressure the enemy early, also bow cavalry is not usually as efficient as gunpowder cavalry, so expanding their capabilities a bit doesn’t hurt.
Lore: The value of the Comanche traditional homeland was recognized by European-American colonists seeking to settle the American frontier and quickly brought the two sides into conflict. The Comanche Wars began in 1706 with raids by Comanche warriors on the Spanish colonies of New Spain and continued until the last bands of Comanche surrendered to the United States Army in 1875, although a few Comanche continued to fight in later conflicts such as the Buffalo Hunters’ War in 1876 and 1877. The Comanche were noted as fierce combatants who practiced an emphatic resistance to European-American influence and encroachment upon their lands.
Note: I think they might as well hunt like some Mexican outlaws do. (The rustlers to be exact).
- More units like a “Comanche lancer” with bonus vs Heavy Infantry.
- More techs that would buff the hunt gather rate of villagers
- More units like a “Comanche lancer”.
Comanche Horse Archer: I’d like to see this unit being able to shoot slightly faster so he can have a distinctive perk. Having 1.35 fire rate or 1.2 isntead of 1.5 would be awesome
- Comanche Warrior Tradition (150w, 150c): Comanche Tribe’s mastery of mounted archery improves the skill of archers on a horseback, specially Comanche Horse Archer .
New effect: Comanche Horse Archer gain +2 range/+2 LOS and shoot 10% faster. Other cavalry archers gain +1 range/+1 LOS.
Why: Cavalry archers are units who don’t have a single specific tech from native settlements. This tech praises the notorious Comanche skills with bow and arrow. Again: it’s a “specifically general” tech.
Lore: Master horseback riders who lived in teepees and hunted bison, the Comanches were stunning orators, disciplined warriors, and the finest makers of arrows. They were especially skilled on mounted archery. Comanche History ; Deadliestwarrior - Bow and arrow; Americanart- comanche-feats-horsemanship- Y’all! Short but very cool article!!!;
- Comanche Hunter Tradition (150f, 150c): Comanche greatest warriors are also their best hunters! Comanche Horse Archer will bring food to your Town.
New effect: Comanche Horse Archer generates 0.6 food/s. Hunts last 10% longer.
Why: That is a homage to Comanche culture of hunting bisons and their skill as hunters. It generates 6f/s at best, which would be equivalent to ~7 settlers at best.
Lore: As he approached manhood, a boy went on his first buffalo hunt. If he made a kill, his father honored him with a feast. Only after he had proven himself on a buffalo hunt was a young man allowed to go to war. Wikipedia - Comanche#Children
- Comanch Lord of the Plains (250w, 250c): The Hunting Grounds are proper for hunting: You receive free bisons with your shipments.
New effect: Non-military cards from your Home City also deliver free bisons to your economic point (Age1 & Age 2 cards = 1 Bison. Age 3, 4 & 5 cards = 2 Bisons).
Why: By “non-military cards” read as: “Home City cards that do not come from The Warrior, Military Academy, Fortress etc”. This technology is similar to a civ perk given to Sioux by the fomer Age Sanctuary/AOE Heaven Fan Patch.
Lore:. Comanches, often referred to as the “Lords of the Plains”, ruled over their territory with strength and cleverness as they struggled to survive in a changing world.
Wikipedia- Bison_hunting
- Comanche Horse Breeding: 5% is a very bad bonus, considering Cree’s does it better and cheaper. Buffing it to 10% HP for cavalry/shock infantry and 5% for Light infantry.
- Comanche Mustangs: This effect was nerfed by D.E to 10% from 5%. It’s almost a slap in the face considering so many D.E. units are faster than legacy units and so many D.E cards buff speed by 10%. Buff it to 7,5% speed or make it more expensive and increase the cost.
Cree| Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
- Cree Medicine: Ethnobotany Cree causes workers to heal slowly even while active and they are resilient.
New effect: Villagers heal at a rate of 1/s even while active, and gain 20% hit points. The effect increases if they are near other villagers, and other ground units heal slowly if they are near villagers.
Why: Villagers are often damaged in raids and this is a buff that would be good for villagers to hold out while help arrives or to get to safety.
Abies balsamea - Wikipedia
Lore: The Cree use the pitch of Abies balsamea for menstrual irregularity, and take an infusion of the bark and sometimes the wood for coughs. They use the pitch and grease used as an ointment for scabies and boils. They apply a poultice of pitch applied to cuts. They also use a decoction of pitch and sturgeon oil used for tuberculosis, and take an infusion of bark for tuberculosis. They also use the boughs to make brush shelters and use the wood to make paddles.
- Iron Confederation: The confederation allows the fur trade to be more lucrative, which makes hunting generate coins and you can finance more soldiers.
New effects: Animals give 10 coins when hunted, larger ones like bison give 15, and treasure guardian animals give the same amount of coins as experience when killed. Also increase the limit of Cree soldiers by +5.
Why: Idea taken from AOE-4. Also, Cree soldiers seem to be few in the late game.
Lore: La Confederación de Hierro fue una alianza política y militar de los indios de las llanuras de lo que ahora es el oeste de Canadá y el norte de los Estados Unidos. Esta confederación incluía varias bandas individuales que formaban alianzas políticas, de caza y militares en defensa contra enemigos comunes. Iron Confederacy - Wikipedia
- Cree Buffalo Pound (50w, 25c): The Cree will teach you how to build buffalo pounds.
New Effect: Delivers 1 Bison Pound Travois to build a Bison Pound. Bison Pound acts exactly like an African Granary with +2 effect range and the animals don’t run away when shot.
You can use it multiple times but the cost is increased by +25w,+25c every time (max active Pounds= 3)
Why: It’s essentially a granary but better: animals don’t run away upon being shot and has slightly bigger radius. The Cree don’t have an economic improvement, or anything related to great plains, so here is one!
Lore: The buffalo pound was a hunting device constructed by native peoples of the North American plains for the purpose of entrapping and slaughtering American bison. The common Cree name “Poundmaker”, refers to someone who makes buffalo pounds.
Buffalo pound -Wikipedia
- Cree Tracking and Scout (150f, 150c): The Cree will continuously scout the area and move to inform you of harm. Available on Commerce Age.
New Effect: Cree Tracker automatically gains +1 range/LOS every age. Cree Tracker cannot be snared while moving.
Why: This basically gives back Cree tracker’s original range/LOS taken back during USA’s rework, so they can be used past Commerce Age to be on pair with Skirmishers.
- Cree Network Trading (100f, 100w, 100c): Establishing trades with the Cree turns your colony more engaging with your Home City and other cultures.
New Effect: Gives special resources for every 5 minutes that has passed, up to 30min, based on the civilization you are using: African= 500 influence/5min; Asian= 225 export/5min; All others= 300XP/5min.
This tech is more expensive every 5 minutes of the game (+50f, +50w, +50c)
Why: I’ve always wanted to see a technology that gives special resources based on your main civ. The cost and effect numbers are random because I don’t know how they’d escalate in average every 5 min of the game.
Lore: Fur trade had an gigantic impact on the Cree nation culture and relationship with europeans and natives. .
Digital Library - Fur Trade - fur trade
- Cree Tanning (100f, 100c): Infantry and cavalry hit points +10%
REWORK: Cost increased to 200f, 200c
Why: After the rework of USA this technology became WAAAY too good.
HURON ( Wyandot )
Huron Tribe | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
- The three sisters: The ‘Three Sisters’ method allows for more optimal and more productive crops. You will also get a shipment of food when you perform this upgrade, the longer you wait, the more food you will receive.
New Effect: All crop types are 5% more productive. It also delivers 300 food crates for every 5 minutes that have elapsed. (up to 30 minutes)
Why: Although they already have a bonus for fishing, a bonus for agriculture would also fit well according to my research.
Lore: The main crops of the Wendat were corn, beans and squash – commonly known as the “three sisters”. These crops were sown on raised mounds which helped protect the seedlings from late frost. The sturdy corn stocks provided a conduit for the beans to climb and the large leaves of the squash shaded the mound, keeping the roots of the beans cool in mid-summer and deterring weeds. Tobacco was another important crop, though the best leaves for smoking seem to have come through trade with the Tionontateronon.
- The Wendat Confederacy: All local alliances that support the confederacy will be provided with diplomatic ties that will allow native warriors to be recruited in larger groups and faster. Now training Huron Mantlet gives you more experience.
New Effect: Natives can be created in batches of 10 at the embassy and 5% faster, and Huron Mantlets give more experience when created (+10 XP).
Why: With the upgrade ‘Huron Sun Ceremony’ the cap is increased to 30, so you could mass this unit in one round. Why would Japan have to be the only one? XD
Lore: The Wendat Confederacy took its final shape shortly after the arrival of the Europeans. Two nations joined the Attignawantan and Attigneenongnahac from other parts of southern Ontario. The Arendarhonon were the easternmost nation of the confederacy. The last nation to join the confederacy was the Tahontaenrat (the smallest of the Wendat nations): they occupied one large village near Orr Lake, southeast of the Attignawantan.
Source :
Note: I hope that makes sense.
- Possible new unit:
Cheap and weak transportation (75 wood), but fast and also useful for fishing and exploring. You can create it from the trading post (in addition to the dock) and it will appear at the destination of the naval metropolis. (Limit 5, but does not cost population) You will be given one for free when you ally with the Hurons for the first time.
It cannot attack, but it generates a slight income of coins (0.20 / s) (Improves + 0.20 / s with each age advance), since it was useful for trading.
Available from age 1, so you can get hold of the water very quickly.
- Huron (Wyandot) Confederacy Membership (200f, 200c): The Huron Confederacy will increase the strength of your native shipments.
New Effect: Native unit shipments deliver 25% more units and cost 15% less. Only once: You can use up to two native unit cards that you have already shipped, before using this tech, once again.
Why: There is no tech that helps native unit shipments and considering Wyandot was a Confederacy of allied tribes, this one will fill the void and improve diversity.
Lore: The Wendat were not a tribe, but a confederacy of four or more tribes who had mutually intelligible languages: Bear, Rock, Barking Dogs, and White Thorns (also known as Canoes). The people called their confederacy Wendat or People of the Peninsula. The name “Huron” was given by the French.
NativeAmerican NetRoots- Huron;
The Canadian Encyclopedia- Huron
- Huron (Wendat) Defensive Measures (200w, 200c): Your town are taught the Huron Town Defensive Measures to slowdown invasions.
New Effect: Your houses and town centers gain Huron Defensive Measures Aura. The same Aura doesn’t stack.
Town centers: Gain +10% damage. They now reduce the damage of enemies within 16 LOS by 10%.
Houses: Gain +10% HP. They now reduce the speed of enemies within 6 LOS by 10%.
Why: Huron had fortified villages and longhouses just like Haudenosaunee, so I wanted to explore that. Having one house or 10 houses the debuff will always be 10%.
Lore: “The Huron lived in villages spanning from one to ten acres (40,000 m2), most of which were fortified in defense against enemy attack.”
“(…)Each of the (Huron) sites had been surrounded by a defensive wooden palisade as was typical of Iroquoian cultures. The large Mantle Site had more than 70 multi-family longhouse.” Fortified Huron village; - Palisaded_huron_iroquois_village
- Huron War Links (200f, 200c): The Huron trading will provide material and resources to improve your siege weapons.
New Effect: All siege units gain +10% damage and are trained 15% faster. Native Siege infantry gain +15% HP instead.
Why: By “Siege infantry that uses no gunpowder” read as “Mantlets, Rams, and Huaracas”. So it’s a nice buff to any Mantlets and Rams and it gives reason for Haud players (more than any other civs) to use this alliance as they are cultural “cousins”.
Lore: “(…)Trade and military alliance seem to have gone hand in hand. The Algonkin of the Ottawa valley and the Susquehannock on the Susquehanna River were both enemies of the Five Nations. Trade links with these people were strong and concerted military action against the Iroquois was occasionally attempted.”
European_contact_and_Wyandot_dispersal (Wikipedia)
The goal was merging the original effects of Sun Ceremony and Trade Dominance into a single technology and creating a brand new effect for Trade Dominance.
- Huron Trade Dominance (375xp cost): Ships 300f, 300w, 300c. Can be used a second time for 750xp.
Why: I’m mimicking the “all crates shipments” of Haud. I used the XP cost needed for a 3rd shipment (397xp) for most civilizations considering it’s a Age3 shipment for Haudenosaunee. - Huron Sun Ceremony Dominance (400w, 400c): Increases Huron Mantlet train limit by 50% (instead of 200%). Ships 1 Huron Mantlet for every 2 minutes the game has passed, up to 30 minutes.
Why: 50% is enough to maximize the Huron Mantlet train limit. There is no need for “200%” from Legacy. This tech is hell of expensive and the other is too, so I merged them to brong more value.
Jesuit Mission | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
- Jesuits’ Mission Reductions (100f,100c): Funding the goal of spreading the Jesuit missions provides planning, knowledge and reports of trading sites and native settlements. Also it allows your Conquistador to scout better.
New Effect: For 10s: reveal the line of sight of all native settlements, trading post sites and trading posts on the map. TPs are built 25% faster and Conquistador gain +2 LOS.
Why: Focusing the lore of helping the colonization in their own way and the design of messing with buildings- Reductions is just a cheap/filler tech to enrich this Holy Site while keeping it clean and balanced.
Lore: The Reductions were Christian missions that extended successfully around a part of South America. The Jesuits attempted to create a “state within a state” in which the native peoples there would remain autonomous and isolated from colonists and Spanish rule. The reductions achieved a high degree of autonomy within the Spanish colonial empire. (Jesuit reduction - Wikipedia)
- Jesuits’ Hidalgos (250w, 250c): The influence, money, pacts and heritage from nobility, make Conquistador having improved assets to unfold the new world.
New effect: Conquistador gets +10% ranged armor and +1.0x bonus vs siege weapons.
Why: Conquistador is an inferior version of Dragoon in nearly every possible way and nothing but stacking Native cards justify his usage. Considering the role of anti-cav is jus too common, giving them more durability and improving the bonus vs siege weapons seems like a path to make them interesting and set them apart from Dragoons.
Lore: Some Conquistadores were born into hidalgo families, and as such they were members of the Spanish nobility with some studies but without economic resources. Even some rich nobility families’ members became soldiers or missionaries, but mostly not the firstborn heirs./ (Conquistador - Wikipedia & Hidalgo (nobility) - Wikipedia)
- Catechism (150w,150c): Jesuits teach the recipients of the catechetical work, by recovering the health of your people and allying with natives.
New effect: Healers (except heroes) heal units 20% more and move 10% faster. If you are allied with other minor civs: You can train them at Jesuit Holy Sites as long as you keep this alliance.
Why: Considering we are talking about Jesuits a healer tech suits it. This thumbnail is the “Ilumination” of AOE2.
Lore: Catechisms are doctrinal manuals – often in the form of questions followed by answers to be memorised – a format that has been used in non-religious or secular contexts as well. (Catechism - Wikipedia)
- Antique Armory (250w, 250c): Spare armors and weapons brought from the Old World are available to your soldiers.
New effect: Delivers an Antique Armory wagon (model is the same as the European Armory with details and more LOS) which can’t be built next to Town Centers (like the Inspiring Flag). When built, 5000HP, Antique Armory provides an aura based upon your selection (60s coldown until you can change it again):
-Forging: +7% melee damage to your infantry
-Bodkin Arrow: +7% ranged damage to your archers
-Scale Armor: +5% HP to your infantry and cavalry
Why: I was inspired by AOE2’s Spain which have Blacksmith perks (hence the thumbnail). All auras are named after AOE2’s Blacksmith techs.