Mod search broken?

I can no longer search for and filter mods within the last few days if I try to filter by mod type (Game mode, crafted map, generated map, etc). No matter what I set the sort to (alphabetical, date uploaded, etc), only these same three mods show up.

If I have ‘all’ mods selected, I see them fine.

This has been happening potentially since the last patch, but I cannot confirm this with 100% accuracy since I didn’t try to search right before and right after the patch. I only tried it this week.

I believe this should be fixed now. If you’re still seeing this, please do let me know!

Thanks for your reply. I tried it and it unfortunately still happens.

@Player936319171 would you mind DMing me your player name so we can investigate? Thanks!

I know I’ve said this before, but I believe it to be true now more than ever :laughing:. If anyone does have this problem, though, please report it here!