Yeah, I think roads or paths, esp with traders should develop over time. Same with vills if they walk along a path enough.
Paths are allready there… when u build bldngs or gates the roads will connect… but yeah more benefit to the roads would be good too
I had the privilege to play the closed beta for sc2, can confirm the game had lots of problems. Also the game went though several changes to reach its current point. Even though I love starcraft, the questions asking if we want starcraft units in aoe is completely pointless.
Here I will add a poll to the collective:
Do you want the AoE4 factions to become more specialized and have even more unique units and mechanics as the game progresses through it’s post launch?
- Yes, Make Factions More Asymmetric
- No, Keep Factions The Same, Just Keep Balancing
That’s not what I mean, specifically where traders and vills walk, those paths are are based on the location of a building to another building.
Are you, uhh, just copy pasting other people’s posts and putting them here?
Dirt trail and roads
Side note: The roads and dirt trail got a maximum level, where they can be upgraded.
- Allow villager to create a dirt road, where they walk, giving a litle speed bonus, that upgrade whit each passage.
- Allow traders to create a dirt road, where traders walk, giving a speed bonus, thar upgrade whit each passage.
- Allow players to build roads, to allow a litle speed bonus, for units using it.
- Keep the game has it is.
- Do not alow road in game.
0 voters
Map size and spawn point
- Map should be biger
- Map is fine has it is
- Map should be smaller
- Players should spawn beside each other
- Players should spawn haf way
- Players should spawn far away of each othee
- Players spawn should be randum.
0 voters
When will you let one of your interns spend 30 mins to add more stats to the observer mode, like a tab for seeing villager population for both players at once?
Observer mode
- Alow observer to see one player playing
- Alow observer to see the two players playing
- Alow observer to see players resourcess
- Alow observer to see players units count
- Alow observer to see players units statut.
- Observer is fine has it is
- Observer is not fine has it is
- No opinion
0 voters
I have watched a pro match, viper vs fitzpro and they used cavalry, spearmen and archers but not maa. Is maa useless in pro level?
Should research cost resourcess?
- No
- Only time
- Only food
- Only wood
- Only stone
- Only gold
- A mix of resourcess and time
- Selected resourcess and time, depending on reseach nature.
0 voters
Shinking ship
- Damaged ship start to shink in wather, depending on damage received, until it is fixed at a port.
•Will force players to retreat Damaged ship, allowing player to have sea control in turn.
•Players will need more port to cover the sea map, to be able to fix ship.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- •Allow only one ship to be drag on a wooden structure, in the shipyard, to be fix.
•Ship are now build in the shipyard, on a wooden structure.
•Villager work at shipyard to build and fix ships.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Ship and their litleboat
-Ship invade other shop whit litle boat, whit the units in ship.
•Ship will use a tiny boat to load and unload units, in litle batch.
•At dock, units on ship can be loaded and unloaded same time.
•Ship can crash on shore, to unload all units same time, but ship stay stuck on beach.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
The majority of this stuff is just a little much. I think you might be wanting a different game that’s not AoE. Some kind of… medieval simulator, dare I say.
Boarding ships
- Allowing units to board and capture ships.
- Game balance
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Ehh shoot enough rounds into the air, your bound to eventually hit something…
Barricade hability
-Short wall of composed object, used to absorb haf of the incoming damage, whit low healt.
-Used by foot units.
-Can be put on wall, but do not block units coming out of siege tower.
-Normal attack can break it.
-Side of barricade can go over buildings.
-Can’t be place when under attack.
-Cost wood.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Wall loopholes
•Wall upgrade.
-Allow to position ranged units and canons inside the wall, whit their original attack.
-Do not attack empty.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
WE WANT A WEATHER GAME MODE PLS , it would be soooo fun and unique!
Scale damage on wall.
Land range units (archer, gun, siege unit), need to be closer to wall, to be able to damage units on top of it and to do full damage.
Siege units that attack a wall, at maximum range, will have its attack reduced to their minimum damage.
Game blance.
Alow units to defend their self on the wall.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Reload Restart
When a ranged and siege weapons fall unter attack, units can’t use ranged attack and need to start over the reload process.
Game balance.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Ok, this has become annoying. If you ask a question like
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Don’t then also do a question like
- Yes
- No
0 voters
straight after. It’s pointless and annoying. Also, Why do people keep suggesting trying to add Starcraft 2 elements into AoE IV?
Micro pause added to single player
- yes
- no
0 voters
Deep mining
-Allow villager to build a underground mine, at the stone and gold location.
-Deep mine has a slow gather rate.
-Deep mine cost alot of wood to be build.
-Game balance.
-More resources for late game.
- Yes
- No
0 voters