Modifying Unit Statistics

Howdy y’all, I’ve been banging my head against protomodding unit stats for a few hours now and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what I am doing wrong. All I am trying to do is changge the damage type of musks to “Siege” from “Ranged”. I set their volley damage to “230” to see if anything was changing, and so far I have seen no change at all. I’m sure I am missing something simple here, any help would be appreciated.


    <Unit mergeMode="modify" name="Musketeer">


Oh the mod has been toggled on within the game of course.

Of course I figured it out after I post. Thanks any ways folks!

What was the issue, in case other people have this problem?

I just forgot to nest my protomod file in “data” folder within the mod. It was a bit unclear on whether that was necessary or not based on the Additive Data Mod support page, that or I just missed it.

Unrelated but I am really enjoying your AI work. Rad stuff!

Thank you!

What are you up to with this mod, besides making super musketeers?

Well to start with I want to try my hand at a rebalance of the game’s military, by moving a bit more simulationist. It might go horribly but I really want to remove hard counters and lean more on the damage types, damage values, resistances, HP, and movement speed. While limiting damage bonuses. I think this might make the game simpler to learn. If that goes well I might also attempt to shoot for reworking when units become available and the replacement of units, technologically, think a more aoe2 style unit progression. How militia > man-at-arms > longswords > etc.