(Ignore the misspelling of ‘Empires’ by the AI image generator!)
I know I’ve posted numerous DLC ideas in the past, but now I’m going to post a series of topics that focus on specific DLCs. I will admit that I have stolen some ideas for things such as UUs, UTs and bonuses from elsewhere, and pieced them together, as I am no good at thinking these things up myself!
First up is a DLC which is perhaps the most commonly requested. ‘Monarchs of the Orient’ will see the Chinese civ semi-split (with the OG AoK civ still keeping their name and previous attributes of course) and finally given their own campaign. It also features two new civs in the Jurchens and Tibetans.
CHINESE (Campaign)
Obviously it goes without saying that the Chinese are to have their own campaign in this DLC. Given the long, rich and varied history of China, there are numerous contenders. Zhu Di was a very tempting choice, as it could basically serve as a campaign bookended by Lake Poyang (rise of the Ming dynasty) and Le Loi (Ming Chinese invasion of Vietnam), and could have provided a diverse array of opponents. But I thought, why not a campaign about Tang China, arguably the greatest period in all of Chinese history? And who else as the protagonist but Taizong who extended the Tang empire to its greatest heights and ushered in a Chinese golden age? In this campaign you’ll face a wide array of enemies, from the Tibetans, to the Koreans, to the Tatars/Turks/Mongols/Cumans (or whoever is a suitable stand-in for the Gokturks and Eastern Turkic Khaganate).
Oh yeah, and the Chinese finally get gunpowder!
Unite the Manchu tribes of North East Asia and pour into China on horseback, seize land and forge the almighty Jin dynasty, and fight off any rivals, in your ambition to rule over all of China.
The Jurchens would be an obvious addition as they were hugely important in Chinese history, founding the Jin dynasty and engaging in wars with the Southern Song dynasty. Their speciality is camels and gunpowder. I thought a campaign focusing on wars with the Song would be interesting, but Aguda who founded the Jin dynasty is a very obvious and exciting choice.
Architecture: East Asian
Language: Manchu
Tech Tree: Arbalest, Parthian Tactics, Heavy Cav Archer, Elephant Archer, Eagle Scout, Champion, Halberdier, Supplies, Hussar, Battle Elephant, Onager, Armoured Elephant, Plate mail, Shipwright, Architecture, Fortified Wall, Treadmill Crane, Hoardings, Block Printing, Atonement, Faith, Redemption
UT: 1. Tungusic System: farm yields 50 more foods. 2. Guazi Ma - Camels and Steppe lancers do blast damage
UU: Tiefutu: Fast cavalry lancer with better pierce armor
Wonder: Qingshou Temple
- Cavalry armour upgrades are free
- Trebs are 30% cheaper
- Camels and Steppe lancers resist 50% of bonus damage
- Fortified walls are free
- Team bonus: Siege units have +2 line of sight
From the fertile lands of the Himalayas, use your people’s religious fervour to expand your territory beyond the known world, and your experience of mountain warfare to your great advantage in your conquests.
Yep, that’s right, the Tibetans. I really don’t think the game will be banned in China for acknowledging that Tibet existed about 1000 years ago. That’s like claiming that British players will be offended by the inclusion of the Celts given the disputed territories that still exist today, and yet the first ever AoE II campaign was a Celt campaign about the fight for Scottish independence from the English! Anyway, less ranting. The civ’s specialty is monks, and their campaign will be similar to Bari, the Hautevilles or the Grand Dukes, in that the focus isn’t one sole protagonist, but a number of them. The Dharma Kings campaign will follow the stories of Songtsen Gampo, Trisong Detseng and Ralpacan, and the rise, peak and fall of the Tibetan empire.
Architecture: East Asian
Language: Old Tibetan
Tech Tree: Arbalest, Hand Cannoneer, Thumb Ring, Parthian Tactics, Eagle Scout, Camel, Battle Elephant, Hussar, Paladin, Siege Ram, Siege Onager, Bombard Cannon, Ring Archer Armour, Fast Fire Ship, Cannon Galleon, Careening. Shipwright, Bombard Tower, Heated Shot, Sappers, Fervour, Crop Rotation
UT: 1. Bon Temple: Monks are created faster. 2. Navigating Himalaya - Villagers move faster on elevation
UU: Khampa: Infantry that can also heal and convert like monks
Wonder: Potala Palace
- Farms are 2x2 tiles
- Previous age blacksmith technologies are free
- Monks move 30% faster
- Stone mines last 30% longer
- Ballista towers are available in the castle age
- Team bonus: Scorpions have no minimum range