Mongol Historical accuracy petition

They have 50.11% win rate in Team ranked ladder and 49.3% in 1v1 ladder .
By what metric are they OP ?

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The knight line represents the heavy cav used by the civ in Real Life . That’s why Persians and Huns have FU knights , not because the were French .

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Or you can just wait until AoE 4, which will be a game featuring more versatile tech trees with wider differences between civs, while AoE2 will remain the way it is.

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Huns have their own unique houses too :wink:

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Um, no they don’t, they have the same houses as any other civ in the Central European set

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Well duh, I know, it was a joke

It wasn’t a very good joke

Don’t you have better things to do than to hang out here all day telling people their jokes aren’t funny?

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I’ll wait for Aoe4 but a huge part of me doesn’t like the graphics. I really enjoy the upgraded 2d/3d sprite Aoe2 got going on.

#1 this is the first time I’ve had a conversation like this anywhere, in real life or online
#2 you’re the one responding to me, aren’t you?

Maybe switching houses to huts could be a fun/intresting game change, like maybe different cost aka cheaper but also a bit less durable to change the darkage/feudel age a bit, make it harde to turrtel and boom.
could be also for different civs but i dont know that we want to go there

other civs that come to mind are the cumans, turks, saracens

other battle change i do not like, mongols are simply a verry fun civ to play, leave it alone, they are strong enougn without even more dmg/armor on their mangudai so that would not be a good thing. …

if it aint broken don’t try to fix it


Ehmmm no.

Mongols were actually great siege experts, especially after they captured a lof of engineers from China.

Aside from that, I can agree with aesthetics changes, but not balanced ones. So no new bonuses or anything else, since they are already quite balanced.

So it’s ok if you want a yurt instead of a house, or having knights and xbows change appearence, and I agree with you if they would make such skins togglable (so you can turn them on and off) and let people play without if they want (otherwise in the multiplayer there might be issues on recognizing units).

Also, there are arguably civs in worse condition, like african civs with white vills, or meso civs with steel weapons.

Yeah because the mongol invasion was successfully stopped by the famous great wall of China, or by the fortified cities of Persia…

Only European stone castles and keep resisted the mongols siege, and some Korean city too. But arguably, other factors like stretched supply lines impacted more than the defense of the city itself.

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The wall did its job. The Mongols BRIBED there way past.

It may have not breached, but it’s job was of keeping the mongols on the other side, ergo it didn’t work.

Defenses aren’t made just by bricks, as sieges aren’t made just of catapults. The mongols had great knowledge of sieging cities both by force and by intelligence, either by fear, tricks or like you said bribing.

Either way, my point was that mongols had the knowledge to siege cities, and did it. But you were correct, they didn’t siege the great wall, in fact at that point they still had to kidnap the chinese engineers.


When Mongolia attacked the Jin Dynasty, the Mongols easily broke through the simple Great Wall of the Jin Dynasty.
Later, when the Mongols attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, the Mongols were troubled by the two urban fortresses of Diaoyucheng and Xiangyang (the Southern Song Dynasty was in southern China, there was no Great Wall, only urban fortresses were built)
Then, the Mongols ruled China and established the Yuan Dynasty
Then, when the time came to the Ming Dynasty, the Mongols retreated to the northern grasslands. The Ming Dynasty built the Great Wall of Masonry along the border. It was this Great Wall that prevented Mongolia from going south again.


Also Mongols beat War Elephants with mangonels and cav archers but game somehow think Halberdier is good counter against Elephants and not archers and mangonels. Mangudai was Mongol Tribe that it was vanguard of the Mongol army and break up enemy lines with their brave and rapid charges. In game, they are cavalry archers not shock cavalry. Trebucket doesn’t do much against stone buildings but devs think otherwise.

500 damage a shot more or less. At extreme range

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By the way, knowledges from Kings and Generals isn’t reliable. It is general knowledge that Mongols used Chinese engineers to create siege weapons but a lot of Nomad people know to create siege weapons very well (for instance famous Khazars) before China interaction. We can estimate that Mongols had a knowledge of siege weapons before Invasion of China. Against stone fortifications, medieval siege weapons doesn’t work howsoever. Cannons is needed for that.

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Or trebuchets…

Well, they aren’t an university professors, but the few times that I checked their sources they were legit.

Anyway, they were siege experts. That doesn’t mean that they breached the walls like pictured in the game. But that isn’t a problem of the mongols, but of the game itself, that semplify the meccanics on how the sieges works.