Mongol Khan is not OP at all

You missed the whole point. I am not asking to buff TCs. I am asking them to do what they are supposed to do. Not to shoot stupid ram after killing a single archer and not to focus on meat shields/armored units.

Right now a few archers + spears pose serious threat because you can either micro manage your villagers or tell TC to not shoot ram and focus on every individual unit.

About towers, they are huge investment in early game. 100 wood is more than a farm and I would prefer making a farm to have long late-game food source than a tower which can barely hold 5 villagers and can easily die to few scouts.

Lol u just have to make 1 and its 65 food. I always make an extra scout on land maps so u might as well use then to harass too

You don’t understand that AI changes like that will result in rams being complete crap

The big value of rams is absorbing arrow shots

If the TC automatically ignores them, rams are zero threat early game now. Every game becomes a 2nd TC boom build

Your proposal would be a disaster - you might as well make spears automatically target cav on attack move, archers target spears, cav target archers etc.

You shouldn’t have to build an outpost to defeat the enemies scout, which is free, and respawns, for free.

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