Mongol mobility

Right now it’s not really possible for Mongol eco to be mobile due to tc getting idle while moving. Without improved movement speed upgrade it is also very slow. Moving tc means losing villagers.

My suggestion is to allow queued villagers to progress even while packed and make them pop out once it is unpacked. Similarly allow upgrades and military units to progress while packed. But complete only when unpacked.

I have written about the Mongol civ’s problem here:

This civ is utterly done wrong in so many ways.
At least, the 1st version of the civ was the most decent one, since then, they nerfed everything including its heavy cavalry into light lol. now they are one of the top horrible civs. They arent even a cav civ at all.
It is played against its civ strength “CAVALRY”. It has good infantry and tower rush LOL

Devs need to also allow unpacking multiple buildings at once with shift. It is massively annoying to unpack buildings 1 at a time. Since we are able to pack multiple buildings at once with a button. Mongols should be able to unpack and place multiple buildings as easy.


The worry is that you would never have to unpack your TC if it could do this. I’ve had the same idea before, and I figured it needs to come at a cost, such as at least doubling villager production speed.

I’d love for this to work for production buildings as well, allowing us to actually move them around without too much of a problem. Production buildings are easier to abuse however, since they are cheaper and you could conceivably make multiple of them to make up for the slow production.

But, honestly, I’d rather buildings just unpack properly. The real reason I don’t use these features, is because they can’t be trusted to work. They also erase control groups.