The fact that the devs said they would rather buff other civs to the same level of Mongols is concerning to me.
The Yam network is so strong, anyone playing RTS should know by now how powerful speed is. In fact the Undead faction in Warcraft 3 only works because of a 10% movement speed effect for the entire army from their hero. Without this it would be unplayable in competitive mode.
But the YAM buff doesn’t just work while inside tower range, it works even outside tower range, which is unheard of. Imagine if Zerg units would retain their movement speed outside of Zerg creep.
Since we have established that other factions are getting buffed to Mongol levels, lets start with Chinese, since they have mostly the worst Landmarks in the entire game.
We have already established that the Barbican of the Sun is a straight up worse Kremlin
And everyone knows the other Age 2 Landmark which boosts Tax collection has very little use since Tax collection is a gimmick and in almost all cases supervising is more useful.
So how would you buff these two Landmarks? You could add upgrades to the Barbican of the Sun in Age 3 and Age 4 to add springald and cannon emplacements for example and fortify it.
And you would have to buff the Tax collection in general, which we have asked for since Stress test. It did get buffed recently but most of its issues still remain. The 100% Tax boost alone is not strong enough, there need to be some quality of life changes when building the Landmark.
We talked about many of these a long time ago already:
I’m looking forward to buffs for all other civs. It will take a lot of those to get them to Mongol-Tier and we will play a very different game at that point.
I can’t wait until the Great Wall Gatehouse and the Age 3 Imperial Palace will no longer be meme-tier Landmarks with no other purpose than unlocking Dynasties. The Landmark system was already used in Aoe3 but in that game there were no terrible Landmarks like those Chinese has in Aoe4. All of them had its use.